Chapter 28

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I never got to slap him. He held my hand mid-air with his eyes staring at me. He had got to be joking about all this. None of this couldn't be true, and it was the worst thing I had heard.

Demyan was already engaged, and yet he had proposed to me.

This was fucking insane lie.

I was here pregnant, and this man hinted that Demyan was behind all this.

"Tsk Tsk, Valencia, just because I allowed this once doesn't mean I will allow it again." He warned as he let go of my hand. "Another try, and I might punch you in the stomach. I won't think for a second not to do it because I would do it for sure." He smiled at me, showing teeth, making me realize he was more than dangerous. Pulling me towards him by my neck, he held me tight.

"I think I realize what he meant when he said that he liked the fire in you. That anger is smoking hot but could get you in a lot of trouble so try to reel it until you want me to touch you where you wouldn't like." He whispered in my ear, making me want to puke.

I pushed him away from him and heard him laughing.

"You are sick! There is something very wrong with you." I couldn't hold back any longer. I felt dizzy from what he was saying. Fear. I felt it deep inside of me. The real Zach felt to be a very dangerous man.

"Well, there is something wrong with me, but that would mean there is something a lot wrong with Demyan then. The shit he wants to do to you, yeah, not at all great." He said coming closer to me.

"Why don't you take a seat as I explain to you everything as much as I could." He made me sit by pulling on my arm.

"Tell me you are lying. This is some kind of joke, right? Natalia put you to it?" I asked with my nerves on the edges. He was supposed to be joking about all this right.

"Oh, my dear Valencia, you don't seem smart to me. Don't you really get what I said to you? The man you so desperately love and the person you seem to consider to be your best friend and savior, I might add, are nothing but lies and fraud." He faced me, taking his hands in mine.

"All they both want is to hurt and see your tears and desperation. Sadly, he isn't a good man like me." He added with a psychopath smile. "He is really twisted up here in the brain." He held a finger to my head.

"Believe me when I say that I'm not lying. If I was a liar, then I would have never fucked Natalia in the first place, but she is the woman I have to marry, and my sister, Irina, has to marry Demyan. Not a fan of arranged marriages, but when there is so much money invested, it is better to keep it invested in the extended family." I felt a buzz inside of me when I heard the words extended family. Something snapped inside of me. The fear was leaving and more than that, I felt the anger overpowering every pore of my body.

Looking at him, I just stared at him for an entire minute, concentrating on him and what he had said. I felt the feelings of fear drain out of me and felt something stronger.

"What the fuck do you mean by extended family? Don't tell me you are fucking involved in incest." I shrieked out of disgust. Getting up from my seat, I moved away from him. A set of by lookers just stared at us. I was able to get my voice back. The disgust I felt was overwhelming, but more than that, I realized that this was fucking Zach.

The same Zach who I had caught in bed with Natalia many times, but more than that I had caught him doing things he shouldn't.

He could be hell as dangerous and he really did have an upper hand, but I was of no use to him at all. I was not going to be on his list at all because yeah if he was right then this whining psychopathic bitch of a man was going to help me in doing whatever the fuck I decided. Yeah, I wasn't going to be fucking bullied. There was a hell of a lot of pent of anger inside of me that wanted to burst out, which started right out from when Claire had picked that gun upon me.

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