Chapter 58

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I looked at his hand on my wrist. The more I stared at it, I felt like his touch was burning me. The words he used, the way he played me, so many things he had done and I couldn't forget anything. The pain I had carried for so long until I got the means to give back the pain he had given me.

"Let go," I snapped at him making him back up. The moment his hand left my wrist I felt better and he looked at me as If I had grown another head. I stared right into his eyes.

"I'm not hurt," I paused. "I'm angry. I'm fucking mad because suddenly I feel like everything is in chaos. There was going to be one fucking aim and suddenly that was taken away from me and everyone expects me to just go with it." Cillian had the audacity to sigh and I wanted to snap his neck.

"Viktor betrayed you," Cillian's words didn't hurt at all. I stood taller and more confidently as I took in the three men in the room.

"Name one person who hasn't betrayed me?" They all have betrayed me in a way by keeping things from me, cheating on me, and making a fool of me. "Everyone in my life has only used it for their gains. Everyone wants me dead and I have no fucking care about anyone right now." I said with a smile on my face before walking out of there for good.

All the men in my life were shit. I haven't come across one who hasn't betrayed me. It was too easy to blame fate for the decisions I had taken in my life. I shouldn't have fucking fallen in love with Alexandro because if I didn't I wouldn't have been chased out of my own house only to feel into the trap laid down by Demyan and his sister.

Fuck that I haven't found any one single person men and woman who hadn't betrayed me. My mother betrayed me, my oh-not-so-loving sister-in-law did, then so did Natalia who I had considered a friend. Every single person I knew had kept me in the dark and betrayed me.

Why was it so difficult to find one person in the world whom I could trust and who wouldn't lie to me even by omission? Was it so difficult to come out clean about everything? Cillian's words that he hated me were wrong in my mind so furiously right now. This whole drama about me being of the same blood as Ivan's wanted me to drain out each and every drop of it. It wasn't my mistake that my biological mother decided to fuck my biological father and I ended up as a product to live such a miserable life.

Viktor's betrayal hurt but I didn't even know what the fuck hurt really was. It felt like I had become immune to the pain of being hurt like this. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I had come out of the house and no idiot had tried to stop me. I turned around to see that there was no one around me. Not a single fucking guard.

I looked around once again and yep there was no one but there was something more interesting than man. I walked towards the closed doors not so far from where I had walked out of the house of keeping a watchful eye for anyone. There was no one around me. The big door was locked but the small glasses on the door gave me a glimpse of dirt bikes and cars in there. I looked behind me once again trying my luck with the door but it didn't budge. Crouching down I had a look at it. It was a normal lock something that I could open easily with the right tool which I could really find in my room.

"Hey," I heard someone. I didn't turn to look around who it was because I knew from the sound itself that it wasn't anyone of the people I knew. It had to be one of the guards. I removed one of my earrings and let it fall on the ground.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," he said loudly in a thick Russian accent and I just turned around looking up from where I was crouching on the ground.

"What are you doing?" his eyes were on me but his hand was on his gun.

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