Chapter 17

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"Did you know about this?" I hadn't even entered the house when I heard his voice booming in the house. Like a king, he stood up on the first floor looking down on me. Zach had already left for the airport hearing the news. I stopped at the entrance and gave him a browsed eye.

He was taking that tone with me as if I was one of his employees. I knew he was pissed, but I wasn't one who would be taking his anger. Natalia was an adult and a year older than my twenty-four.

"Did. You. Know. About. This?" He asked again stopping at each word. I could see my whole family coming out of their rooms to see what this fiasco was all about but they just stood at their doors. I saw the guards coming around hearing thier boss shouting.

"No," I snapped at him before moving upwards to where he was. No, it wasn't to talk to him. He just pissed me off, so him being pissed off can go to hell. All I wanted to do was go to my room and bang the door so I could prepare for tonight. I didn't need to explain myself to him when he was like this and I was too.

There was already too much on my plate. I couldn't handle his shit and never had to until now.

I had eyes only to my room. There was nothing I wanted to think about. I had entered my room almost when I was pulled roughly and spun around. My arm hurt from where he held me. Demyan has never been like this to me but I was seeing another side of him. I liked the roughness but not being manhandled.

"Do you want me to believe that?" he seethed at my face. I saw the anger burning in those eyes. I no longer saw the man who had loved me. All I saw was a man who was angry at me. I tried to free my arm, but it only made him hold me tighter. There was no way that it wasn't going to leave a mark but it was the pain that was hurting. If he held it any tighter, it felt like the bone was going to crush.

"I didn't know about it," I told looking into his eyes but he didn't let go of my arm neither did he calmed down. It was as If my words had only flared the anger.

"If I came to know you were lying to me," I could hear the warning in his voice. The man I looked at was nothing but a stranger to me right at that moment. He couldn't complete his threat.

"Hey let her go," I heard the voice coming from behind him. When I looked it was Karl with Alex following him.

"I told you to let go of her arm." He said with a raised voice as he stood just beside us. Their intrusion surprised me but it only made things worse for me. Demyan's hold on me grew tighter and my face contorted in pain. Tears welled in my eyes with the pain. I couldn't take the pressure any longer, it hurt like hell, and the more I tried the more it hurt.

Karl intervened putting his hand on my arm he tried to loosen his hold.

"Whoever you might be but you have no right to hurt her like this." Karl snapped at him making sure that I was free from his hold. The anger in Demyan's eyes sparked brighter looking at him.

Feeling a hand around my waist I jumped for a millisecond only to realize that it was Alex pushing me behind. The place where I had stood was now replaced by him while I was behind him. I couldn't believe what was happening. Karl and Alex were the ones standing for me. Demyan stood there seething in anger but did he know how much he had hurt me. I felt my eyes tear up at this.

I was in pain both physically and emotionally. This felt as if it was a betrayal. The man who I had thought to be my king and the one who had called me his queen had been the one to hurt me.

Natalia had gone places without telling him. He had never been this mad at her. I had seen him shouting at his men to be careful but I had never seen this side of him. If Karl and Alex wouldn't have intervened, I don't think I would have been free from his painful touch. This was the first time he had hurt me. We trusted each other with everything. I trusted him with my everything but did he.

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