Chapter 60

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Cillian was angry. He looked at me and then back at the cuff's I had been handcuffed with. The only thing I was fucking glad about was that Viktor had the decency to at least throw off a blanket on me. Well fuck I was mad at him too.

Walking into the room, he closed the door and stood there with his head in his hands.

"I tell you something and you fucking run towards the danger," he mumbled under his breath without looking at me.

"Well I have always liked the bad boys and the one at home didn't seem fun," my words had him looking at him angrily.

"Seriously?" He asked and I just gave him a blank stare.

"Get me out of these cuffs," I tried to break them off but it was of no use.

"Tell me can I break off the road," my total concentration was on breaking them. Fuck these cuffs were not meant to be used in the bedroom. They were used by me to fucking torture people and leave them to die. Was that Viktor thinking when he cuffed me? Fucking asshole.

"Look for the fucking key," I snapped with anger bringing out the best of me.

"You think he would leave it here," Cillian wasn't helping a bit. Fuck he was mad but I was handcuffed to the fucking bed. "Do you think he would even like the thought of me being near you like this and above all that opening those cuffs? It will be fucking retaliation." I just laid there with my fucking eyes closed.

"Get out of here," I said in a calm tone. There was no need for me to get into the dramatics. He was right. There was no need for me to be raging mad at him. He handcuffed and that fucker had to get me out of those now. Who knows what mood he would be coming back here in?

"What?" he was looking at me as if I had grown another head.

"Get out, I'm going to cause a fucking chaos for him to get me out of those and you are right he won't like the idea at all of someone else helping me. So leave before you want to be a victim of my ugly screams," I wanted to yell at him but stopped myself. Patience and control were what I needed in the situation.

"Now leave," I ordered him but the idiot was still standing there looking at me and people asked me why I lost my patience that easily.

"Are you going to fucking leave or do you want Viktor to find you in here?" I snapped at him making him move towards the door and walking out.

"We are going to catch up to this later on," he mumbled before leaving. Once the door was closed and I was left all alone in the bedroom I did one last try to break off the cuffs. One last try with all I had got from physical strength to knowledge of breaking them. I pulled on them harshly, my wrists were burning in pain but I just fucking didn't care. The steel was biting into places marking my skin red but fuck I wanted to be out of them at any cost. The rod might have moved a bit out of place but it wasn't enough. I rode on the waves of anger and like a crazed woman I pulled on the cuffs violently. The rod moved and finally, a part of it was able to be demounted from the wall. It was a small space but it would do it. Moving towards the end of the bed I pushed the handcuffs from the minute space to be at least released from the confines of the bed.

Fuck Viktor and his sick kinks.

Bringing my arms in front of me I breathed a sigh of relief. My arms hurt but I got no time to lose. I needed to look for something to get out of them right now. What a fucking wonderful day I had been having to try to break open locks and cuffs. I felt more like a thief rather than an assassin. I moved from drawer to drawer in this room of his to find something useful and there was nothing much. I was looking for the key but from how much I know of the asshole and fuckery he practiced he might have not left here.

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