Chapter 56

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My eyes looked at Demyan who had the most confusing look on his face.

I still had very little idea why I was sitting here with Dimitri Oligarch who had himself made me a drink treating me as if I was his old friend. Somehow it felt like he and Cillan had just taken over Demyan's office.

I was called from my room and when I had denied Dimitri had come to my room telling me that it was time to come out of my shell. I had looked at him trying to figure out his game plan and to still this point I was a bit lost with him. He acted so interested in my life that if there existed a power to swap would he would have done that. So with my hair still wet, I climbed down the stairs following him to Demyan's office to find Cillian playing all the CCTV footage.

He just acknowledged me before he went back to playing that footage again. Right now I really wanted to be a mind reader to understand what was really going on.

"What is happening here?" I wanted to ask the same question Demyan was but I was quietly sitting here on the chair sipping on expensive whiskey.

"And what does he mean by that?" He asked facing me and I just gave him a blank stare.

What does anyone mean by what? I wanted to ask but I just sipped on whiskey. I was all out of my wits for now. I just wanted to lose control for an hour, forget everyone's existence and sleep maybe.

"I'm asking you something," he looked pissed off, even angry but I just didn't care. I just put the glass to my lips and gulped down the whiskey as we looked at each other.

"Calm down, son. The day has just begun for you. There is a lot you have to learn and close the fucking door," Dimitri answered him with a smile as I smiled at his words. Suddenly it felt like Demyan has been put in place and I was coming to enjoy all of this. He shut the door close.

"Calm down?" a bewildered expression had taken over him. "You are asking me to calm down. An unknown person is in my office and god knows doing what in my computer. Then there is her who has brutally killed Elijah and now I got to know that she is married to Viktor also. It might be something you could be fine with but my world is pretty much upside down."

"Just like you had turned mine," Cillina spoke up standing up. My ears perked up at hearing him. He had been so silent and acted like a loyal servant to Viktor that it was hard to see him doing anything without Viktor's command.

"I don't even know you!" Demyan yelled as Cillian stood with his hands in his pocket.

"Only if you hadn't tried to kill me then none of this shit would have happened," he replied. "You just wanted to kill Ivan's son and without knowing any truth you sent people to kill me. If only you hadn't put light over me none of us would have been in this mess." Cillian snapped at him. It felt to seem him mad like this. He had always been calm and composed. I wanted to pat him over the shoulder for braving up.

I was sure I had a screw loss today because this all seemed too unrealistic for me.

I looked at my empty glass of whiskey and then at Dimitri. Had he mixed something in it? Demyan's face was filled with shock. Everyone thought he was dead. Hell, I had thought he was dead. His existence was alien to me.

"Viktor killed you," he snapped back at Cillian and all that was missing was them aiming guns at each other.

"I need another," I moved in my seat getting up, having all eyes on me. Under the watchful eyes of all three people, I poured myself a good amount of Demyan's whiskey. I smelled it and yeah this was expensive.

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