Chapter 27

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"What did you just say?" I wanted to hear it again because I was having a hard time believing what he had said. Zach smiled at me before moving forward into my personal space, making me shift back to create some space between us.

"I said that have you ever thought why would Demyan have to ask where you were when he had already installed a tracking chip in the ring, he had proposed you with?" He once again pointed at the ring where a small dot that looked like an emerald was. I couldn't believe it. Taking the ring from him, I looked at it carefully. The ring had small emeralds in it, but I had never realized that one of them was a tracking device or a fucking GPS.

"How do you know this and are you even fucking sure about it?" I was still reeling from shock. It felt like all these days I seem to get were surprised and shock. Demyan wouldn't do something like this and even if he died this in the first place, why would Natalie lie to me about Zach getting the information out of her.

"I was the one who had been there when Demyan was giving orders to a jeweler to install it there. Pretty outstanding, if you ask me." He looked at the ring, taking it away from me.

"Get dressed, I would wait for you outside." He said before he walked out of the room with the ring in his hand. I stared at the closed door for a whole fucking minute, trying to digest what was happening.

Demyan had installed a fucking GPS in my ring, and Natalia had clearly lied to me about Zach getting out information from her. I was pregnant, and I wasn't sure how that had happened. Claire had shot me. Natalia knew how to use a fucking gun and she had shot Claire. Above all of this, Zach was acting weird, telling me something maybe he shouldn't have.

Did that sum it all up? I asked myself

Yeah, it clearly did. I took deep breaths and tried to control all the bullshit that was going in my mind. It felt like I was in the middle of the sea. Getting dressed I moved out of the room finding Zach outside the room leaning against the wall. He smiled as he looked at me making me feel a bit on edge.

Was I getting between something I shouldn't? I asked myself.

"Let's find a quiet place to talk." He told me as he moved ahead making him following him. I was curious deep down about what was actually happening. Walking outside the hospital building, we sat on a bench in the park outside the hospital. Basically, I just followed Zach.

"Can I have your phone?" I gave him a raised brow at this.

"Just to be sure you won't record this conversation?" He told me and yeah those words really just hyped up all my curiosity what was this all about. I gave him my phone without thinking much. He was Zach, Natalia's boyfriend, and Demyan's right-hand man.

He wouldn't do anything to harm me.


"I was a bit shocked when you had the guts to punch me that day, but I hadn't said anything that day. I surely would have punched you back straight if I wanted to." He warned me and the way his eyes looked at me, I felt a chill go down on my body. I could feel my hair rising.

"I-," I tried to explain, but he wasn't the one in hearing. "Let me speak first then we would see that are you left to talk about anything?" He told me.

"I didn't know why you did that and that day when Natalia had come back I had come to you because I wanted to know why you had done that. Sadly, that couldn't happen because Natalia had decided to end up here and Demyan had already been mad enough." Looking away from me, he sat forward, crossing his legs at the ankles.

"She had lied to you about me fucking her to get that information out of you. Last night I had asked Natalia, who had told me about the lie she told you. Though this time I had actually fucked her to get that information out of her." he winked at me as he said this with a smile on his lips.

"That is when it actually clicked to me what was really going around." He said calmly, but I wasn't fucking calm.

"Tell me Valencia are you really pregnant?" he asked facing me and I just stared at him for a bit.

"Most probably, why are you asking?" I remembered correctly he was the one who had given the report to Zach.

"You should know it better." He gave me a raised brow. "I mean you brought the report from the doctor, right?" I added.

"The report came from the clinic directly, so I don't think someone has tampered it with." He told making me realize this was fucking real. "Looks like he is making the move then." He added in a murmur.

"Did you know he specifically asked for me to get the report from the gynecologist? I was the one who had gone all the way with your blood sample." His words made me look at him wide-eyed.

He has got to be joking. I got up from my seat and looked at him.

"What lie did he give you by the way for it? I mean didn't it felt weird to you it was the only thing that was there on the report. There were no other reports but just your pregnancy one. I was told specifically to get it tested for that only." He said that with a smile and a tilt to his head. I just stood there trying to digest all this. It felt like I was going to faint.

This was a lie like an enormous one. Demyan wouldn't do something like this.

"Why don't you sit down, there is more to come where there is coming from," I just stared at him. Pulling my hand, he made me sit on the bench and got up himself.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked because this was the most important thing that was actually nagging me. He smirked at my words.

"Because you are pregnant," he moved towards me.

"And this child tells me that Demyan is getting closer to his goal, which you really won't like." He bent down to my level, staring into my eyes. There seemed nothing friendly about Zach at all, neither his smile.

"Which is something I don't want," he paused, looking at seriously. It felt like he was some kind of psychopath.

"Because then I would have to kill people unnecessarily. A lot of hustle you know," I felt goosebumps on my body because at the moment I felt scared.

"But don't worry you will not be on the list of the people I have to kill." Was that supposed to make me feel less scared or not fear him because it really didn't?

"You know why because you are going to help me a lot on this and that too voluntarily. I mean who wouldn't like to take down their enemies or those who just have ever done was lie to you." His words made me look at him warily. What was he going on about?

"But before I get deep into that, let me introduce myself to you, properly," he got up to stand in front of me. In my mind, he looked to be a lot bigger than he was.

"I'm Zakhar Mikhailov. You know little about me, but I'm Natalia's husband-to-be and also Demyan's soon-to-be brother-in-law because he is actually engaged to my sister." His words didn't leave me surprised they shocked me.

They made me lose my sanity because my hand raised to slap him.

Writer's Note

Poof another cliffhanger but I promise to give you an update in another two days.

What do you think about it?

What is Zach thinking of?

What does he know?

Is Valencia going to help him or run away or would she run to Demyan?

What else is in hiding, you think ?

Let me know soon.

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