Chapter 25

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She was sleeping. Safe and sound in the bed, tucked in.

Sitting on the chair, I just stared at her sleeping form. I couldn't sleep in the first place ever since I woke up early in the morning. Even a run hadn't stopped my mind. Even the shower hadn't helped me at all. She was on my mind and I couldn't understand why. I had been in this chair many times since the day had begun, but she was just unaware of it sleeping away.

How deep was she in her dreams? What was she dreaming of? Our future together?

I laughed at just the thought. Love is nothing but a hoax. It always has been. It was a poison that once you got in your system, either would leave you destroyed or give you everything you ever desired. I knew it well. I had seen both sides.

The point was, which side did Valencia got? The good or bad?

Getting up, I once again looked at her, stared a little longer. Last night she had pulled herself open for me, telling me about the child she had to let go because of someone's else hatred for her. She had lost a baby and here she was with another one.

Moving away from her I got started with my day. I had a lot of mess to clean. The first of one was finding the pills and switching them out.

I could see from her face that she wasn't quite happy about the pregnancy. She was still in shock, but I wasn't. I had planned that part down to tie her down with me. She was always fleeing, and I knew this would ground her in the places I wanted and give me control over her. She might have been my queen, but no one should ever forget that I was the king in the end. My word would always be the final.

Rummaging through her drawer I found the bottle and switched them with the real one counting them perfectly. She wouldn't go to the depths to have them checked because it was a task that would require a lot of hustle but it was better to be safe. I looked at her for the last time before leaving the room. Still sleeping, looking like an angel, I wasn't scared that she would wake up because I had made sure that the medicine I had given her would keep her knocked out for while.

It was better for her to rest because, in the end, she would need all her energy to face what was coming to her. I had promises I had to take care of. I was running on limited time and even her time in my life was limited.

I didn't want the burden of taking care of her on my list right now.

The study was my office giving me the vast space to actually learn all about these people. Everyone had their dark secrets and skeletons the issue was that some kept them hidden better than these idiots did. Valencia didn't need to work hard at all. Even the detective she had hired had to work hard. It was as finding a rock in the hay. The private investigator had almost ripped her off with the huge amount of fees he had asked. It was her money so I had let it happen till the end after which I had extorted all the money back from him.

No, I wasn't a saint. I hadn't returned that money to her. She didn't have any idea. There were too many things she didn't know, and I would like to have it that way until it came to it.

"How is Claire?" I asked Zach, who was busy on his laptop on the sofa. He was more than my right man. He knew all the dirt that corrupted my empire, but more than that he was my watcher. I had power over him only to an extent the rest belonged to someone else, to the man who had helped me in the dire need of mine. He had taught me the biggest lesson that everything came with a price and that went for even any kind of help.

Valencia wouldn't know something like this. How could she when I was the one keeping her in the dark? Even Natalia didn't know what this meant. She wasn't the one who had to sell her soul. I had done that for us and it was something that I would never ask from her. If Natalia ever gets to know all my intentions and my darkest secrets, maybe she would be the one running away from me.

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