Chapter 7 Part -2

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I moved towards the pool chair the one near to where he was. His body grew stiff as I moved closer. He hadn't looked at me yet but I knew that he had sensed me. It was always like that you know. We were so in love that we could feel each others presence, knew when we were staring at each other. Our love was love everyone, I can't deny the fact that there wasn't one. We had something special back then.

As I passed by him to move towards the chair I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. Well, the next one he takes would be of frustration. I will just make sure of that. Taking off my sarong slowly and seducingly I watched him from the corner of my eyes tracing each of movement. It pleased me to see this. His eyes trailed down from my face to my chest and down to my legs. He took his sweet time to memorise each inch of my skin. I walked up to where he was with a sway to the hips, enough to have him salivate like a dog. The red two piece gave me the power to destroy this man whomI had loved and given up everything for.

"Isn't it a good day for swim Alexandro." His name rolled out of my tongue too seductively, like a prayer. It was the way he used to love being called. It made him hot and pumped blood in all the right places. I didn't get an answer-back. Aww so sad, well not really. I was standing a feet away from where he was and he was stupidly gawking at me. Well, he would have been getting a great view of me while he was still in the pool. I gave him a smile, a smile that made my inner self-boil with anger but made his blood rush to his groin. I had coloured my lips scarlet red. It was going to leave traces behind after I was done with him and I wanted Claire to see it all. I wanted her to know exactly what I had been doing with her husband. I wanted her to feel the same pain that I had felt. She had taken him away from me and now I was taking him away from her. I wanted her to burn in the same agony that I had years back.

"How is the water Alex hot and ... hard" I trailed off the last word. His eyes widened at the realisation and I was pretty sure he was hard and throbbing. He couldn't ever resist me and that was one of the biggest problem. The problem that forced everyone to drive me away from here. His lack of control for me destroyed me. Giving him a wink I dived into the pool beside him. The water splashed at him and I hope it wouldn't have cooled him down. For next minutes I swam making sure that he saw every inch of my body working. I just wanted to give him a good view before I destroyed what was left of his marriage. I would pay millions to see that look on Claire's face when she came to know what a cheating bastard her husband he is.

I put a halt to my swim when I was in the middle of the pool. His eyes were at me like I wanted, filled with a mixture of lust and regret. Regret what he was left. If only had he believed in me and himself then we shouldn't have been here.We could have been together and happy in the bliss of love that we once had.

"Do you remember the times Alexandro when we used to come here to the pool, late night when everyone was asleep?" His eyes closed as if he was thinking about it.

"We used to skinny dip in the pool and kiss until our bodies wrinkled." I made my way towards him slowly and gently.

"The times when we were so close to getting caught in the act, times when your fingers would reach for my pussy. Do you remember those times?" I crooned while a small distance left between us.

"The time when we made love in this pool. Do you remember those heated kisses or the way I would touch your cock and make you shiver." I husked reaching out for his hard and warm member. His eyes snapped open looking at me, questioning me what was I doing.

"Do you remember the time when we were lost in each other when nothing but our bodies talked about the love we shared." my voice low and seductory but from the inside, I was breaking. I remembered all those moments, each on of them. Every one of them hit me home making me remind of the time how he had left me, betrayed me.

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