Chapter 49

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I stared at the woman in front of me. I no longer knew her. It was as if I was struck with fear down to my core, to each cell of mine. I couldn't move as she walked closer to me.

I was scared to even blink for even a second. The horror in front of me, was something that was etched into my brain. This image was going to haunt me.

"Shhh," she whispered with a bloody knife near her lips.

"You are here to save your father-in-law?" she asked with a wicked smile on her face getting up from where she was.

"Sorry he died," she pouted in front of me stepping into my personal space. The smell of blood reeking out of her made me want to puke.

"If you don't want the same death for your family, you would keep quiet," she whispered in my ear. "For now," she added making me breath faster.

"Run but keep quiet," she laughed loudly as she stepped back.

"I'm no longer the woman you knew, Natalia," she told staring into my eyes. "And you might be in the same position as he is if you ever thought about opening your mouth," she added in a dangerous tone before walking out of the room leaving me drenched in sweat.

She wasn't the Valencia I knew. She was someone else. More like a living Zombie.Hungry for blood.

Who was she now?

I felt like puking, rushing to the dustbin in the room I bend down and puked my guts out. My stomach hurt from the dry heaving but I couldn't stop what I was feeling inside. As I looked down I saw something red beside the dustbin. I stared at it for a bit only to realize what it was and fell back in fright.

I crawled back and hit something hard. It was the body of Elijah. I screamed looking at the condition of it. I couldn't even recognize him. Pushing myself off the floor I ran out of the room making sure to close it.

He was dead. He was clawed out like an animal. His eyes were missing. His tongue was cut, it looked as if it was a work of a demon. An evil spirit who had punished a sinner for his sins. It was an image that could be seen only in a horror scene. Something I had never seen or even imagined. It instilled me nothing with dread. The woman I was roaming with freely, who I wanted to let have freedom in this house was nothing less than a monster. She could kill me in a snap of a finger. End me and my family.

She told me to keep my mouth quiet but panic was all that was taking over me. I needed to warn someone. I needed to warn Demyan about her. We could keep it a secret about what I saw. He could come up with a solution. However, my feet weren't moving the dread and panic inside of me from what I saw was causing chaos inside of my mind.

What would happen, if she came to know. Was I looking for just my early death? What about my son? When she had stared into my eyes I knew she had the guts to kill him too. She was nothing but a monster.

I moved from where I was. I ran to anywhere but away from there. I was suffocating with this new knowledge and the horror show that I had just seen.

I had no idea where I was going but I would turn and look behind me just to see whether Valencia was following me. Would I be the next person to die? would she kill me in my sleep? would she kill all of us?

I ran towards the main hall where Daniel was. He and Viktor stood there with their guns held at each other's heads. Zach had forced me to run when the smoke bombs had started to dropdown . I was sure Alexis, my son would have been taken to a safe place by now by her nanny and guards. But I still wanted to check however hearing the screaming behind me I had opened the closest door and stumbled upon something that now was itched in my mind forever.

I came running into the hall to see the smoke was still heavy but Demyan's voice could still be heard. He was here. I had to warn him. I had to, if I didn't she would kill us all. Maybe we had a chance to kill her before she came for me, him, and my family. My heartbeat so fast that I felt like it would burst out from the rib cage itself.

I followed the voice and saw the figures of men. Demyan's voice was closer. I knew he was there. The smoke was moving out and I could see a bit too clearly now. My brother was fighting three men but none of them was Viktor. Still, the three men were being a hurdle for him. All of them were well equipped with knives and I knew that Demyan was bleeding. It pulled on the strings of my heart to see him like that. Helpless. He needed help.

I moved towards him to help him but stopped when I saw Zach coming toward him. I breathed a sigh of relief. Zach had come for Demyan's help. I saw him raise his knife. He was going to take one of the men out for Demyan however the knife he raised didn't move towards any of the three men but towards Demyan. The shock held me in place as the knife in his hand moved towards the back of Demyan.

One of the men who was fighting from behind him moved aside letting Zach have his shot. They all were together in this. I wanted to scream at him but I couldn't I was weak. My feet felt heavy to move but I still moved them to reach toward my brother. The knife struck my brother in the back and a painful moan left my lips. I saw him fall back for a moment as he tried to fight off a man in front of him without a thought about how someone so close to him was deceiving him.

Zach's Hand raised again to stab my brother in the back and I moved but still, I was of no comparison the speed of Zach. He was close and I was so far. I couldn't scream I felt like I was choking from the shock and emotions of helplessness. The blurry moment from beside me caught my eye having me turn away to see what it was.

A man ran towards to where my brother was on the way to being murdered. I saw him going straight for Zach punching him right into his abdomen and dismantling the knife from his hand. He used his knee and hit his stomach again with his elbow hitting him in the back. Whoever he was, he was, hurting my husband badly, and was giving him bruises but I was thankful to him. He banged Zach's head badly over his knee with a blunt force making him collapse in pain. He hist him once again and I saw him fainting.

He didn't hesitate to slit the neck of the other three men and leave. Demyan had fallen to the floor in pain but he stood up to attack. However, the only man he was going to fight was his savior. Demyan's hand raised to punch him but the other man held his fist immediately.

"It's not your turn to die. Recover and then prepare to fight," his voice clear and loud to be even heard by me. Letting go out of my brother's hand he left as fast as he came in. My eyes were set on his back until the darkness decided to take me in.

The shock and exhaustion of all I had learned today took a toll on my mind. I welcomed the darkness without fighting. For now, my brother was alive, he was able to survive. He was saved by someone.

Writer's NoteHello, I really hope you like this chapter. I have my fingers crossed. Natalie saw things she shouldn't have. What happens next? Who was the mystery man? Let me know through your comments. Your comments keep the story alive. So please comment.

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