Chapter 13| ɴᴏᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs.

Start from the beginning

He nodded taking a seat next to me at the table. "Yes sweetheart?"

"Ari no leave, ok." She said pointing her little finger at us.

I let out a breath before letting my eyes wonder over to him. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it.

"Ok Bria, you're obviously in charge here."

That made me laugh because she was so cute thinking she was in charge. She seemed very satisfied with that answer as she skipped away into the living room.

"You have such a little drama Queen on your hands."

He chuckled making my heart do back flips. "Don't I know it. I can only imagine 10 years from now."

For a second there was a pleasing moment of silence. But then, things just began to get too awkward for me. It looked like Y/N was deep in thought, I don't know about what.


He started rubbing his hands down his front pants. Now I knew he was really nervous. But why, I don't know.

He let out a small chuckle. "Umm so I- I really wanted to talk to you.. thank you for even showing up."

"Yeah well. I couldn't do that to Bria." I shrugged tapping my fingers on the counter.

"I thank you for that too. Cause Bria really loves you and umm I'm sure it's a lot at times cause she wants to be around you when she can't be and I'm sorry, I'm trynna break her from that-"

"Hey." I spoke cutting his little rant off. He stopped talking and his eyes met with my own. "If I felt it was a problem, I would say so Y/N. But she's just a baby, she's fine."

He nodded. "Alright, but just promise me that you'll tell me and be truthful with me that if she ever becomes too much-"

"I promise."

Honestly I just didn't want to speak about it anymore. Maybe he still couldn't see how much they both meant to me. I already thought of Bria ad my own, so she could never be a bother to me.

"Ariana, what you saw the other day-"

My eyes began to water. "Y/N you hurt me."

He sighed moving closer to me as he grabbed ahold of my hands. "I know it, I know-" He shook his head and put his head down. "But I can promise you, it's not what it seems Ariana."

I turned my head. "Not what it seems. What do you mean by that Y/N? Because she told me she was your girlfriend, and you've been ignoring me for a month now. It all makes perfect sense."

To me it seems pretty self explanatory. He lied and completely took advantage and of my kindness.

He sighed frustratedly. "No, ok no. I know what she said, but it ain't true."

"Seemed pretty true to me." I mumbled under my breath as I folded my arms.

"That woman you saw here- she is not me girlfriend. And I never wanted her here around me, it's just- it's actually really complicated. I'm scared that you won't understand and you'll hate me."

I frowned at his words. "Huh, I could never hate you Y/N."

"She was blackmailing me Ariana."

"What?" I asked with no emotion. Did I just hear right?

He nodded slowly and looked away from me. "If I didn't do any and everything she wanted me to, she would have me fired."

What the actual fuck?! This doesn't make any sense, what kinda power does she hold to do some shit like this to him? And exactly what did she have him doing?

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