18. Teething

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Lynne looked over at the two next to her, Jax dozing off and Abel dad asleep, curled up into his fathers side. Her heart ached and she smiled, then looked down at Thomas, who was laying in her lap. She looked back up at the TV, humming along to the end scene of the Jungle Book that the boys were watching before they all fell asleep.

She pulls Thomas up to her chest and leans back against the couch, just watching him sleep since he didn't sleep well last night. Lynne had started thinking he was teething last night; even though he was only about two months.

Thomas gurgled in his sleep and before she knew, his eyes were open and he was whining.

Lynne hushed him and quickly stood up, rocking him back and forth as she walked into the kitchen. "It's okay, Tommy.. it will all be okay." She whispered and leaned down kissing his head, pulling back when she noticed how warm he was. "Goddammit." She whispered under her breath. "Tommy, what am I going to do with you?" She whispered and grabbed his chilled jelly toy out of the fridge and held it in front of him. She watched as he reached up for it and whined, then she gently placed it in his mouth and watched him gnaw on it.

Lynne sighed softly and kept rocking him, get his head again and set him down in his swing as she searched for his infant Tylenol. She sighed again as he started to cry from being set down and searched faster, before deciding to pick him up so he wouldn't wake Jax or Abel. She held him in one hand and hushed him as she walked into the bathroom, digging through the closet. Once she found the Tylenol, she brought him back to the kitchen and leaned up against the counter, balancing hun on her chest with her forearm. She struggled to open the bottle but once she did, she grabbed the syringe Jax had used hours prior and got the correct dosage.

Lynne adjusted him back in her arms, with his head on her arm and sighed, taking the toy from him. "We have to take this, okay?" She says softly and puts the syringe in Thomas' mouth, watching him suck on it. She gave him all the liquid before taking it away and replacing it again with his toy.

She gently bounced him in her arms and quickly goes out into the living room to check on Abel and Jax, Jax who was looking right back at her tiredly.

He shut the TV off and looked back over at Lynne, "Sick again?" He asked and gently lifted Abel, kissing the top of his head after standing up.

Lynne just nodded with a sigh and watched as he walked down the hallway, going to put Abel to bed. She followed and waited in the hallway, looking up as she heard the door click.

"Should we keep him in your room tonight?" She asked softly and watched as Thomas started to doze off. "He screams everytime I set him down. I don't imagine he'll sleep long alone."

"I heard." Jax sighed and looked over at Lynne, holding the infant in her arms. He runs a hand over his face. "I guess we can." He nodded and opened his bedroom door, yawning tiredly.

Lynne followed Jax in and sat down on the bed, rocking and holding Thomas until he finally fell asleep. She waited a few minutes before setting him down and stripping out of her jeans, just like Jax had. Lynne grabbed her bag and pulled on a pair of shorts, then changed her shirt into a tank top and took off her bra.

She slowly then climbed into bed next to Jax, cautious to not wake Thomas. "How'd it go?" She asked Jax, who laid shirtless next to her.

"It was rough being away from you three for longer than usual." Jax spoke softly and wrapped his arms around Lynne's waist.

"I think I did pretty good." Lynne giggled and ran a hand through Jax's hair, kissing his temple. "I kept them busy."

"Abel was singing high praises." Jax chuckled, "You got his approval." He smiled softly and closed his eyes, before reopening them.

Lynne smiled sadly and ran her hand through Jax's hair. "I know you're exhausted, you can go to sleep." She spoke softly and gently ran her hand down his back. She watched as Jax nuzzled into her touch and she smiled.

"I still get that reaction." Jax rolled his eyes, "I feel like I can't control my body."

Lynne smiled and giggled, gently running her hand up his back and giggled again when he tensed up when she used her nails.

His snaked down lower on her back until it was resting on her bum and he started to smirk. "Don't start." He spoke quietly, his voice raspier than normal which made Lynne tingle.

Lynne bit on her lip and looked up at Jax as she withdrew her hands from his back and slid them up into his hair. "Why's that, big boy?" She teased and leaned up towards Jax.

"You wanna deal with that right now?" He asked and tightened his grip on her bottom as he closed the space in between them. "Risk waking up the baby?" He gently bit on her lip and slowly pulled her closer with his freehand, by her neck. He noticed as she flinched but then slowly relaxed into his hand.

"Do you?" She retorted with a big grin.

"You're dangerous." Jax grumbled and pulled her closer, attaching his lips to hers in a rough kiss.

"Says you, Teller." Lynne retorted when the parted, but gasped when Jax pulled her right back to kiss her again, this time more aggressively. Lynne kissed back quickly and slid her hand through his hair, gently tugging on a few strands which earned a groan from him and a seat on her rear, making her jump and gasp, earning a deep chuckle from Jax.

Lynne whines as his hand left but slowly slipped through the front of her shorts and into her underwear. She whined as his finger slid down and he inserted it. Lynne bit down on her lip, nodding slowly when Jax asked if she could stay quiet.

Lynne gripped at his hand and whined, looking over her shoulder at Thomas, who whimpered in her sleep.

"What do you want, darlin'?" He smirked, his eyes practically glowing as they darkened. He chuckled when she used her hand and gripped at him. "We use our words, don't we, sweetheart?"

"You." Lynne whined and blushed as she looked up at him, tugging at his length through his sweats.

"Needy tonight, aren't we?" He chuckled and kissed her neck once, before turning her around. "You're on baby watch... that's if you can keep your eyes open." He whispered in her ear and smirked as she shivered.

Jax quickly pulled down her shorts and underwear, followed by his sweatpants and looked down at Lynne, who pressed her body back against his. He chuckled and gripped at her hip with one hand and his other going to her mouth as he slid inside of her and she gasped.

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