66. Church

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"Have a safe trip home," Grant spoke as he closed the back door to Lynne's car, "And again, I really appreciate everything you do for Megan and our kids."

"Well, it's an honor." She smiled, "She saved my life. It's the least I can do."

Grant smiled as Lynne slipped into the driver's seat, "I'll keep you updated." He cleared his throat and waved by and walked back towards the hospital.

Lynne turned on the radio, low enough to make sure Lillia could still sleep soundly. She then put the car in drive and left the hospital parking garage. Because of the sun, she put her visor down and drove her way to the clubhouse. 


Within about a half hour, Lynne reached the club house.

She gathered her purse and keys, then opened her door and climbed out of the car. She closed her door, then unlocked the car, opening the back door to the car to pull Lillia out. 

Lillia made a sigh like noise as Lynne unbuckled her and lifted her out of her seat. 

"What's the attitude for, missy?" Lynne cooed, "Huh?" She bounced the newborn as she used her hip to close the car door, then locked the car and headed in to the clubhouse. 

Immediately as she entered, she had the members and croweaters bombarding her to hold and see the baby. She told them to back off and that they could all take turns when they washed their hands, then walked towards the chapel as she noticed it was in session.

"How long have they been in there?" She asked Juice, who wrapped his arm around Lynne.

"About two hours."

"They better be reading the bible in there if they're taking that long." Lynne rolled her eyes and grimaced as she heard Clay raise his voice, then Jax snap back. She pulled open the door and stood in the doorway, staring at the full table. 

"Lynne, leave." One of the members ordered and Lynne just laughed.

"First off, you aren't going to order me around with or without my daughter in my hands." She spoke as she stepped in the room, closing the doors behind her. "Second... I'd watch your mouth when you speak to me." She smirked as Jax narrowed his eyes and stood up.

"IS there a problem?" He bellowed, looking over at his girlfriend who held his first daughter.

"No sir." The member, that Lynne didn't recognize responded after gulping in fear.

Lynne smirked at the man and stepped over to the head of the table, kissing Clay's cheek as she greeted him. "Hey pop," She greeted. She stepped to the side and placed her daughter in Jax's arms.

"Hey, kid, how are you?" Clay greeted. 

"I'm good, thank you." Lynne smiled and bowed jokingly at Charming's king. "What's going on?" 

"Hosting gossip club," Her uncle spoke sarcastically, standing up out of his chair to greet his niece. "Hey, darlin'."

"Hey, uncle Chibsy," She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek as she did so. She smiled as her daughter cooed, then looked over at Jax who held her closely and protectively. 

She waved for Chibs to sit, after he attempted to give up her chair then she wandered back over to Jax. Kissing his head, she stood behind him as the table began to discuss their next move as a club. 

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