45. Free

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Lynne woke up and looked over at the TV, which played a show she didn't remember putting on. She looked down at the arms around her waist, then looked over her shoulder at Jax, who was snoozing away. She then looked across from her and noticed Megan curled up on the other couch, her arm hanging off the side, touching the floor.

She rubbed her eyes and spotted a sleepy Thomas in his swing, next to the couch that Megan laid on, with an empty bottle in front of her, on the coffee table.

Lynne removed herself from Jax's arms and she slowly got up off of the couch and walked over to Thomas, turning his swing on low to keep him occupied, so he wouldn't get fussy. Lynne checked the time as she walked into the kitchen, then quickly looked through the refridgerator for something to make for breakfast. Once she decided on fruit parfaits and scrambled eggs with a side of bacon, she closed the fridge and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

She quickly stripped and then started the water for the shower, then pulled out her makeup while she waited for the water to warm. Once the water was warm, she pulled a towel out of the closet and set it on the counter, then quickly got into the shower and washed up. Once Lynne was done, she got out and started on her makeup, then blew dry her hair and put it up into a high ponytail. She headed into her bedroom and grabbed an outfit, consisting of a black tanktop and a black and tan plaid skirt.

Once she was all dressed, she looked down at her stomach at the small bump that was starting to form, although it wouldn't be noticed, unless she pointed it out. Lynne smiled and cleaned up the bedroom, then took the full laundry basket and headed out into the hallway. She opened the washer and dumped in the clothes, then added detergent and softener, then closed the washer and started it. Lynne put the laundry basket on top of the washer and headed into the kitchen, starting to prepare the eggs and bacon.

Once she was finished, she left the breakfast on the burner after turning them off and smiled as she heard Abel's door creak from down the hallway. Lynne checked the time, 7:30, the clock read and she opened the cabinets, grabbing seven plates - four of them being plastic kid plates.

Lynne looked up as she felt eyes on her and she smiled over at the young girl who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Good morning, Mace." She said softly and looked over at her eldest niece, who smiled back and walked over to hug her. Lynne leaned down and engulfed the girl in a hug and kissed her head, "Do you want to go wake up your siblings and Abel for me?" She asked, "It's almost time for breakfast."

"Sure, auntie." She said quietly and pulled away from the hug, heading back down the hallway to Abel's room.

Lynne watched as the young girl walked off, then stood back up and prepared the kid's plates, setting them on the table. She poured them each a glass of juice, then opened the drawer next to the fridge and grabbed silverware for them. Once she heard the door creak open again, she smiled and set the utensils down and watched as the kids poured into the kitchen. "Goood morning," She said softly and pulled out the chairs, then helped Sophia up into her chair.

"Hi, mama." Abel spoke as he climbed up into his chair.

Lynne smiled at him and walked back over to the stove, making herself, Jax and Megan a plate. She balanced the plates and headed into the living room, where Jax had finally woken up and was cracking his back.

"Hi, sleepyhead." She teased and passed him a plate. "When are you heading out?" She asked, handing him a fork as well.

"In about an hour." Jax responded, "Thank you for breakfast." He spoke softly and leaned up, giving Lynne a kiss on the cheek.

Lynne smiled and nodded, "No problem, babe." She spoke and set her plate and fork on the coffee table, then headed over to Megan. With her freehand, she flicked her arm until she woke up and passed her her plate and utensils. "Here." She giggled as her friend wiped at her eyes and sat up.

"Oh, thanks." Megan smiled.


"Are you sure you can watch them all?" Lynne asked her best friend as she grabbed her car keys from the kitchen table.

"Of course I can." Megan responded, as she cradled Thomas in one arm, a fussy Sophia in the other. 

Clearing her throat, Lynne also grabbed her wallet and put in her purse, with the gun that she had decided to start carrying. "Okay, well, I'll be back in about an hour." She said as she walked towards the living room entrance. Lynne looked down at Abel and Macy, who played with a train set, while Liam was watching cartoons on the TV.

"Sounds good." Megan smiled up at her friend, then sighed in relief as Sophia finally relaxed and gave into the sleep that was taunting her.

"Alright." Lynne smiled, "Thank you." She nodded at her best friend and adjusted her purse on her shoulder, then headed out to the front door and out of the house.

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