3. TM

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Tears endlessly poured down Lynne's cheeks, but she already knew her next move. But to start with her revenge plan, she needed to be able to walk, to start with and then she was going to get the fuck out of Saint Thomas. Her legs were stiff, but her eyes were trained on the paperwork, on the table, a foot in front of her.

Megan stood by her side, making sure she wouldn't fall as she took slow, small strides towards the table. Each step Lynne took caused  more pain to shoot up her stomach, but she tried her best to ignore it, or at least tried not to show it. Even though she wasn't walking fast, she was getting somewhere. Upon finally making it to the table, she clutched it and signed the paperwork, discharging herself. She knew she should've been in there for another few days, but she couldn't stay for another minute in the hospital with the rotten Tara Knowels.

"I don't think it's smart for you to leave, you haven't healed, Lynne." Megan's voice says from behind Lynne. She was concerned, even though she just met the girl, she had a bond with her and already thought of her as a best friend.

"You dont get it, do you?" Lynne snaps back, "I'm not staying here with Tara! Tara won't take care of me! I don't trust that rotten bitch.." Lynne snaps her head toward Megan and then down at her stomach. "Besides, I can take care of myself."

Lynne sighs and smiles as Megan drips it and slowly pushes the curtain aside and walks out into the recovery room.

"Will you at least let me bring you out in a wheelchair?" Megan asks, resting a hand on Lynne as she notices that she starts to wobble. "I already got my car dropped off. I'll bring you home and stop by after my shift."

"Fine..." Lynne bites her lip as she gives in, letting Megan hold onto her as they walk towards an abandoned wheelchair near the elevator. "You don't need to stop by though, I'll be good."

"It's not a question." Megan smirks down at her and helps her into the wheel cheer, then presses down arrow on the elevator. "I'm not giving you a choice. I'm coming over after all of my shifts."

"You really don't need to." Lynne argues and wheels herself into the elevator once it opens. She rests one hand on her stomach and frowns, then presses the ground button and watches the elevator door close.

"What's your address? I'm setting up navigation." Megan asks and looks down at her phone, pressing the google maps app.

"I'll be able to tell you how to get there, I can't remember the address." Lynne responds, a slight smile making its way onto her face. She quickly wheels herself out of the elevator and all through out the hallways and towards the doors. She reaches up and presses the button to open the door and wheels herself out, waiting on Megan to take her to the car.

Megan catches up a minute later and she smiles, pushing the wheelchair towards her car. "Who do you live with?" She asks and opens the passenger side door, helping Lynne into the Nissan.

"My brothers, my adoptive uncle and some friends." Lynne responds and smiles, "We have a big house." She buckles up and watches Megan fold up the wheel chair and put it in the back seat, before running around the car, getting in and starting the car.

"Oh, sounds like a full house!" She says enthusiastically. "I can't wait to meet them!"

Megan knew she was distracting Lynne and she was happy about it. The less Lynne thought right now, the happier she would feel. Even though the two just met, Megan still felt insanely protective over her. She loved her job, except when someone was badly hurt and that's one of those moments. She didn't know if she could handle seeing Lynne cry again. Megan did get paid horribly, but saving people made up for it.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Lynne mutters and responds and wraps her arms around herself and looks over at Megan.

"How old are they all?" Megan asks as she throws the car in gear and starts to drive. She turns on the radio, but keeps it low.

"They range from their mid twenties to fifties. My uncle.. I think he's in his late fifties or sixties, I can't remember. I have a horrible memory." Lynne responds and looks out the window, watching other cars pass by.

For about thirty minutes, they hold a long conversation about everything and anything. "Hey, the place is coming up. It's after this left." Lynne responds and looks over at Megan, seeing her nod.

"Okay. Wait.. Teller-Morrow?" Megan asks, "You live at a mechanic shop?" She raises her eyebrows in confusion as she pulls into the parking lot.

"Yeah, there's a house attachment." She responds and looks at the row of motorcycles, then notices Gemma's car. She starts to smirk and slowly unbuckles and gets out of the car. "Come back tonight and meet them, okay? Bring the kids." Lynne smiles and presses a hand on her stomach, then starts to frown.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?" Megan responds and hands her a paper with her number. "Of course. I'll be here after my shift."

"Cool. Thanks for everything you've done for me today, I really appreciate it but you know you didn't have to, right?" Lynne looks over at Megan with a sad expression as she shoves her phone in her pocket.

"Well, sucks. You deserve it after the shit you've been through today." Megan smiles and throws her car in reverse. "Alright, I'll see you later."

"Okay." Lynne responds slowly and leans into the driver side window and gives her a hug, before letting go and heading towards the garage.

She sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair, trying to brush out the knots before she went inside. Lynne didn't even know if she looked alright, but here goes nothing..

The start to her future.. for the second time.

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