84. Muddy Emotions

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Lynne looked at the boys - they were behaving beautifully. Perhaps, they had swapped roles with Juice and Happy. Those two she had to worry about. The bigger kids.

Lynne was happy that Happy was comfortable enough to show his true emotions - around her mother and her father - even Juice.

The kids must have brought that out in him.

She looked over at the man and studied his face. As annoying as he was being, terrorizing Abel with spitting water at him - She was happy and Happy was happy.

His guard had been up for years - even before she had left. Once she had left, he knew it was going to go right back up. It was good for her to come back.

With a shaky breath, she excused herself from the table.

All of a sudden, she was feeling emotional. Plus, it was time to feed the baby.

She gently took Lillia from her mother and pulled the feeding blanket from the bag that Happy had put together for her - so she felt less stress about going out.

She walked about and found herself in the quiet lobby, where she sat down.

Lynne covered herself as she unclipped the nursing bra and brought the baby to her chest. Like usual, no issues. Covering Lillia up, she sat for a few minutes. Pondering.

Pondering everything she had been through.

It brought tears to her eyes.

Was it right to be back with Happy?

Should she have made it work with Jax?

Should she have even come back at all?

Now she couldn't say everyone was in danger, but she knew she was which means her kids could be too.

And damn, that stung.

Lynne looked up as the seat dipped next to her.

"Hey honey, you alright?" Her dad asked, wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

"I'm just trying to make sense of everything." She spoke gently, leaning into his arms. "It's been hard since the last time I was here - a lot had happened."

"I trust you'll make the right decisions." Her father spoke, "I trust that you have thus far." He looked over at his beautiful daughter. "Happy's good for you."

"I think so too," she spoke up, "He makes me feel so.. well, happy. But, I can't help but to wonder... should I have worked it out with Jax?"

"From what I've heard... no." Her father cleared his throat. "But we will support you no matter what - but don't go breaking poor ole Happy's heart - he still loves you. I can tell."

With that, her father stood up and returned to the table.

Lynne wiped her eyes that had gathered tears. Once Lillia signaled she was done eating, she set her down in her lap while she fixed her bra, and shirt. Then she begun to burp her as she stood up and walked back to the table.

Happily, she sat back down next to Happy. She looked over at him as he snaked her arm across her waist; pulling her closer.

"Hey girl." He said softly in her ear.

"Hey boy." She responded, looking up at the man who pressed a soft kiss to her nose. "I love you."

"I love you."

His heart skipped a beat.

Lynne smiled up at Happy, who had smiled back.

"Let me see my little nugget." He spoke suddenly, holding his arms out for Lillia.

"Way to ruin the moment, brother." Juice chuckled, "You're such an ass."

Happy chuckled, shaking his head as he took the baby girl from Lynne.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Lynne spoke up, A smile dancing on her lips.

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