91. "Thank you"

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"It's just frustrating that nobody even bothers with us anymore, that's all." Lynne spoke to Happy on the phone. "I've seen my uncle maybe three times in the whole time I was pregnant - once since the twins were born."

"I know, girl."

"Gemma has seen the kids a few times, but that's about it. Jax still hasn't tried - Clay maybe once or twice. It's just been us, Megan, Grant and Juice."

"That's the way it might be from now on."

"I guess so, but it's just so lonely." Lynne sighed, "We didn't do anything truly wrong. The kids deserve to still have their family but I won't let Jax hurt them like he did me."

"I'm sorry, baby."

"I wish Opie and Donna never died." She spoke, "I wish I still saw Ellie and Harry - I wish they knew their cousins." She breathed out, "I wish everything... was different. Back to normal. But without Jax."

"I wish that was possible."

"Me too."

"I love you, doll."

"I love you, Hap. No matter what."

"I'll talk to you soon, okay?"


After a few seconds of silence, the line disconnected. Lynne set her phone on the table as she continued to prepare leftovers from a few nights ago for lunch. Since Abel was now five, he was at school almost full time, Thomas at two and half was in daycare on alternating days for half days and Lillia, at one and a half, was still home and only at daycare once a week.

Sighing, she looked at the almost toddler girl. "You hungry, Lil?" She asked gently as she begun to cut up the left over pasta and chicken into smaller bite sized pieces. Setting it on the suction cup plate, she added the Caesar salad dressing and a few soft vegetables on the side. She brought the plate over and set the plate down on the high chair tray, making sure it adhered before anything. Handing Lillia the small baby fork, she smiled.

Hearing a knock on the door, she watched as Lillia begun to eat.

Lynne smiled, "I'll be right back, Lil, you take it easy." She said softly, watching as Lillia nodded in response.

Lynne left the kitchen and walked to the front hallway, where she passed the stair case and reached the front door. After opening it, she stared at her uncle who stared back at her wide eyed.

"You need a shower, lass." He spoke as he stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"I need to feed the twins before anything - but yeah, it's genuinely hard with two two week olds, a year old and two older kids who go back and forth to school and daycare - when your family shuns you." She shot him a fake smile, "Oh and when the father of three of them refuses to care or see them, the father of the other two is away for work... and when both your best friends return to work."

"Lynne, I'm sorry-"

"I really don't want to hear it." Lynne cut her uncle Filip off, "I might just go stay with my parents for a few days." She stated as she walked to the living room, lifting Emery up. Making sure she was turned away from her uncle, she lifts her shirt and unbuckles her nursing bra. Once Emery latches, she turns around. "I'm sick and tired of feeling alienated because I took myself out of an abusive situation."

"You're not alienated, lass, not from me."

"You're never around." She shot back at her uncle, who looked down at her sadly. "I'm here alone almost every day of the week - I'm lucky if Happy gets to be home for the weekend."

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm over excuses and apologies, uncle, I am." Lynne sighed, "it doesn't make a difference to me. My kids will know who's there and who's not." She stated, "And they sure as hell will not be getting no half assed love because everyone's afraid of Jax and refuses to disobey him."

"Let me be here." Chibs finally spoke up, after breaking the silence. "I'll watch the kids - you can go take care of yourself. I'll be more present."

Lynne looked over at her uncle as Emery unlatched. She turned around and lifted the boy into her arm. Lifting up Ayla, she allowed her to latch and feed on the opposite side. Once making sure she was covered, she allowed Chibs to take Emery and burp him.

"You make beautiful kids, Lynne." Chibs stated.

"I need to check on Lillia," she responded and stepped out of the living room and into the kitchen, where her daughter was almost finished eating. Glancing at the mess she made, she sighed. Doing her best while feeding her daughter, Lynne grabbed the utensils, the silly cup and plate, putting them in the sink.

"Let me give her a bath while you freshen yourself up." Chibs responded as he stepped into the kitchen.

"Why do you care now?" Lynne asked out of curiosity, "Why come around now? I'm not some damsel in distress." She spoke up, rinsing the dishes in the sink with one hand.

"I've always cared." He responded, "I didn't want to overwhelm you in the beginning, now it seems I should've been here more often. You're not taking care of yourself, lass."

"Nice observation." She snorts. "With five kids, it's quite hard."

"Lynne, please... don't hate me." Chibs spoke up, looking at the small girl in front of him.

"I don't." Her glance softened, "I'm just stressed out, I'm tired. To be honest, I didn't expect twins." She sighed as she ran her free hand. Through her hair.

"You didn't know?"

"Didn't even find out there was a second baby until one of the last scans." She stated. Once Ayla unlatched, she turned her back to her uncle. Managing holding the baby, she fixed her bra and shirt then turned back around as she begun to burp her daughter.

Chibs lifted Lillia out of the high chair and smiled at Lynne, "Bring the twins and their mats to the bathroom before you shower. I'll take care of these three."

Lynne nodded slowly and watched as he brought Lillia into the downstairs bathroom. She heard the water turn on and she quickly headed for the stairs, planning on grabbing Lillia a new outfit after getting herself new clothes for after her shower.

She set her items in her bathroom, started the water and then went back down the stairs. Grabbing a playmate from the living room, she brought it into the bathroom where Lillia was already splashing about in the tub. Gently, she set Ayla down on top of the mat, Lillia's clothes and a towel she pulled out on the counter.

Lynne then left the room and went back to the living room, picking up Emery. Before she left the room, she looked over at her uncle.

"Thank you."

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