30. Run in

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Light poured into the dorm. Lynne slowly opened her eyes and cursed at the pounding in her head. As she sat up, she still felt drunk from the night before.

Sighing, she reached over for Jax, "Babe? Can you start me a shower?" She asked quietly, then looked over as he pulled himself up and nodded.

"I'll get you aspirin too." He spoke and walked into the adjoining bathroom. The door slowly closed behind him and she heard the water start, then peeked over at the kids before getting up and grabbing clothes for herself and Jax.

"Oh my god." She whispered as she stepped into the bathroom. "Babe."

"What?" Jax asked as he reached into the cabinet and grabbed the aspirin bottle.

"I'm pregnant!" Tears filled her eyes, "I drank last night! What if I killed the baby?" She said and looked up at Jax, "I forgot!"

"Darlin, you had two sips of champagne and a shot of tequila. You're fine." Jax spoke up and pulled her into his arms.

"I can't believe no one stopped me! I can't believe I forgot I was pregnant!" She cried and gripped at her aching head. Lynne sobbed and shoved her head into Jax's chest.

"You didn't drink much, it's okay." Jax reassured her and rubbed her back, slowly helping her calm down. He pulled back and wiped her tears, then sighed. "It's alright, baby."

"Are you sure?" Lynne spoke and rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sure." He spoke, pulling off his shirt. "Let's shower before the kids wake up, okay?" He spoke and helped her remove her shirt and bra.

Lynne nodded and pulled off her bottoms, then slipped into the shower, letting the hot water ease all the tension in her body. Not a second later, Jax slipped in behind her.

"I love you, darlin'," He spoke and grabbed the washcloth, lathering it up with her body wash. He pushed her hair out of the way and washed her back, smiling as he felt her relax against his hand.

"I love you too, Jax." Lynne spoke and closed her eyes, letting him wash her back. "We should take the kids out for breakfast today."

"We can." Jax said as he finished washing up her back. He handed her the cloth, so she could was the front of her body, then worked on washing his own and his hair. Once Lynne finished with the water, he stepped in front.

"I think it would be fun before you're back at the club all week long." Lynne said quietly and massaged conditioner through her hair.

"We have a trip next week." Jax cleared his throat.

Lynne nodded slowly and watched as Jax turned off the water. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her, before passing Jax one. "Well, this can make up for the time that you'll be gone." She said softly and grabbed her hair brush, quickly brushing through her blonde hair. 

Lynne pulls on her underwear, followed by her black jeans and socks, then pulls on her bra and her off the shoulder orange long sleeve. She adjusted it to wear she wanted to be, then applied a little bit of makeup that she got from the bag she packed and looked over at Jax. "Ready when you are." She smiled, as she finished brushing her teeth then left the bathroom to grab a premade bottle for Thomas. She watched as Abel sat up and she smiled, "Good morning, buddy! Daddy's going to get you dressed, okay?"

"Hi mama." Abel whispered and stood up from the cot, walking over to Jax as he walks out of the bathroom. "Hi, daddy."

Lynne lifted Thomas, who had now stirred and set him on the bed, grabbing him an outfit from his bag. She grabbed a new diaper, as well as wipes and quickly changed him, then lifted him again and left the room, heading to the kitchen to heat his bottle. "Hey, Tom Tom!" Lynne spoke softly. "You look so happy!" She smiled as he giggled, then adjusted him in her arms as she placed the bottle in the microwave to heat it.

Lynne leaned against the counter and waited for the microwave to ding, and once it did, she took the bottle and tested it before giving it to Thomas.


"Yeah, can he get the kid pancake combo please?" Jax asked the waitress, for Abel. "A side of sausage is fine."

"And how does he like his eggs?" The waitress asked, smiling over at Abel, who waved.

"Scrambled, with extra cheese." Jax nodded and spoke again, "He'll also take an apple juice."

"Perfect," The waitress smiled, "And for you, dad?"

While Jax ordered, Lynne laid Thomas' blanket down on the bench beside her, as he started to get antsy. She lifted him out of his car seat from the end of the table and rocked him, until he calmed down.

"And you mom?" The waitress asked Lynne.

"Can I get a breakfast crepe with a side of hash browns?" Lynne asked, looking over at the waitress as she adjusted Thomas in her arms, as he started to fuss again.

"Of course, any other sides for you today? A drink?" The waitress spoke, giving Lynne a sympathetic smile.

"Maybe a slice of wheat toast." She spoke, flipping Thomas over and rubbing his back. "A orange juice is fine," She smiled over at the waitress and looked down at Thomas, who rested his head on her arm.

"Coming right up," The waitress smiled, "You two also have beautiful kids, by the way."

Jax smiled. "thank you." He said to the waitress and watched as she walked away. He looked over at Abel who continued to color on the page he was given.

Lynne smiled and slowly set Thomas down on his stomach, rubbing his back as he laid silently. She looked up as their waitress led someone by and her eyes narrowed. "Babe." She spoke quietly and stared over at the doctor, who sat a table away from them. "Guess who's here?"

"Who?" Jax spoke as he looked up at Lynne, then followed her gaze. Once he spotted his ex, he cursed under his breath and wrapped his arm around Abel. "She didn't notice us, did she?"

"Not yet." Lynne spoke and looked away from the brunette, down at Thomas who once again, started to fuss. Lynne lifted him and held him against her chest, gently rubbing the back of his head. "Tommy boy, let's calm down, okay?" She said softly and sighed over at Jax. "He must have a belly ache or something."

Jax nodded and looked over his shoulder at his ex, who was staring back at the two, with her arms crossed and her face furrowed. "Or maybe he knows she's here." He chuckled.

"Maybe." Lynne spoke and sat up taller, staring over at Tara. "She's coming over here." She cleared her throat and set Thomas down, slowly standing up. "Hiya, Tara." She greeted, as the doctor stopped in front of their table.

"Who do you think you are acting like a mother to my boys?" Tara spoke angrily, almost like venom was lacing her voice.

"Who do you think you are, walking out on them for some community dick?" Lynne shit back and looked back at the boys, who weren't even paying attention at all.

"Abel, it's mommy!" Tara pleaded, looking over at the little boy, who was clearly uninterested.

"No." He finally spoke up, "She's my mommy." Abel pointed to Lynne, who just smirked at Tara.

Before Lynne — or Jax, knew what was happening for that matter, Tara reached up and slapped Lynne across the face.

Lynne brought her hand to her cheek and took a breath, trying to keep her composure, "So you beat pregnant women now?" She watched as Tara stormed off back to her table and then slid back into the booth. "What a bitch."

"Mommy, who was that?"

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