95. Deserving

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Lynne held her son in her arms, as he sobbed. Running her soft hands through his strands of blonde hair, she lifted up the kindergartener aged boy.

Immediately, he wrapped his legs around her waist and shoved his head into her shoulder.

Happy looked at the two as he locked the front door. "It's alright, buddy." He soothed the child, "Abel, I wouldn't let him hurt you."

Happy's soft side had begun to come out.

"But I'm not your kid," He croaked.

"That doesn't mean anything," Happy responded, "I love you the same way that I love Ayla and Emery."

"You do?"

Lynne's heart swelled at the tender moment between the two.

She brushed Abel's hair out of his eyes and kissed the top of his head as he begun to wipe his own tears and settle down.

"I wouldn't lie to you, kid." Happy chuckled softly at the ginormous smile on Abel's face. "And I love Thomas and Lillia just as much." He cleared his throat.

Abel smiled and retracted his arms from his mother. He put his arms to his step father, who immediately lifted the boy onto his hip.

"I love you, dad." Abel spoke softly as he wrapped his arms around Happy's neck.

"I love you, bud." Happy responded softly as he pressed a kiss to the child's head. "It's time to get ready for bed now." He spoke up after a minute, gently setting Abel down.

Abel nodded, "Okay, dad." He said softly and walked towards the stairs to head to his bedroom.

Lynne smiled as her legal son walked up the stairs. She then turned to Happy. "You're amazing." She said gently as she stepped forwards, wrapping her arms around her fiancé's neck. Pressing a quick kiss to his lips, she smiled.

"I try my best," Happy spoke once they broke the kiss. He pulled Lynne close, brushing her hair behind her ears. "These kids deserve better than what they've had."

"They're deserving of having a father who's present."

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