67. Conflict

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With a slight smile, Lynne adjusted Lillia as she fed under the light swaddle she had placed over her and herself to protect her privacy in a room full of men. She paced the room, getting anxious due to the conversations. 

"Why are you's still running guns?" She asked, "I know I'm not a member but it seems like the club is getting into more shiet when guns are involved." She spoke.

"You're not wrong," Jax responded, "But it makes us money and we need it." 

"I still don't understand why she's in here, if the prospects can't be." The dirty blonde haired man spoke up again.

"Shut it." Happy snapped angrily.

Lynne narrowed her eyes at the man, "Clearly you're new around here." She spoke as she walked around the table. She stopped as she stood over the man's shoulder and whispered in the man's ear. "You're looking real stupid right now," She tsked and adjusted the baby. "Does it look like I'm some damn whore? A croweater?" She raised her voice. 

She watched as Jax smirk as she stood up to the man, adjusting in his chair.

"I'll have you know, darling, that I'm the girlfriend of the vice president. The soon to be daughter in law of the president AND Chibs' niece." Lynne spoke, "I'd watch your damn tone with me." 

"All that with a baby in her arms, this chick is a bad ass!" Tig yelled, cheering. "Good job, sweetheart, you tell him."

"I've been around longer than you've been." She added, "Respect me... or deal with the consequences at the hands of Clay, Jax and Chibs. Maybe if you're lucky, Tiggy and Happy will jump in too."

"Looks like you've been around." The man snorted. 

Lynne's eyes darkened as she notice Jax shoot up and shout at the man, diving over the table. Lynne stepped back in perfect timing as Jax knocked the man down, still sat in the chair, to the cold hard floor as he started swinging.

The best part?

Nobody stopped him. 

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