85. Opening Up

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Looking up at her lover, she smiled. "Doesn't it feel good to do normal things?" She asked Happy.

"Honestly..." Happy trailed off, looking down at the small girl. "Yeah." He watched her push the double stroller, Tommy in one side and Abel in the other as they both had gotten tired from their walk and play at the park. Happy looked down at the little girl in his arms. A small pink baseball hat, on her head, protecting her from the sun. The rest of her body, that was uncovered, he had slathered in sunblock.

Lynne looked over at Happy again as they continued to walk back towards the house. "You really would be a good dad." She spoke.

"You've been saying this a lot." Happy spoke up, "Are you sure there's nothing you have to tell me? It's been four weeks now - since the night we first were together."

"I have nothing to tell you," Lynne stated. "Just stating the obvious really - you're attentive to my kids. Jax's kids."

Happy nodded. "It feels right." He admitted, "No matter what he did... I would still love those kids. One is half of you. She's bound to be a beautiful soul."

Lynne looked over at Happy, a smile playing on her lips. "My little Tacoma Killer, where has the time gone? You're too sweet to me."

"I'd worry if I had a kid - what if they turned out like me?" Happy spoke up finally, "What if I ever were to fail as a father? Couldn't bring myself to do it - I wouldn't want to if it wasn't with you."

"I love that you're being vulnerable with me right now." Lynne admitted, "more than usual."

"Sometimes I think it's best that I don't get attached, that I don't have sex so I don't risk having a kid." He spoke, "With the lifestyle, I'd be in jail most of that kids life."

"What if you got out?"

"There's no out for me but death, Ly, you know that." He spoke. "We tried that before,"

Lynne nodded, remembering their feeble attempt at running away together. It had ended with Happy going nomad... which didn't work out well. "Well, Hap, you're not getting younger." She spoke up, "That's all I have to say - that and you deserve some happiness."

"You want me to get you pregnant?"

The silence was his answer.


With a heavy sigh, Lynne rolled over and looked at Happy. "No period yet." She stated, matter of factly.

"This scares me." Happy spoke, his eyes matching his words. "What we talked about earlier - I feel it. I know it's right, it feels right but Lynne..."

"You don't want to fail." She finished his sentence. "I understand." Lynne spoke, "Happy, you're the most loving person I've ever met. I'm not worried. And I wouldn't be scared."

Happy looked at the small girl who laid in front of him. He pulled her back against his chest and his hands found his way to her stomach.

She had put on some weight since having her daughter - not that he minded.

"My child might be in there." He spoke softly as he rubbed her stomach.

"Might be." Lynne nodded as she pressed herself further against Happy. "Why don't we practice?"

"Practice what?"

"Making a baby."


The two knew that what they had just done was not practice.

"I'm getting you a test." Happy spoke, looking at the girl. "I need to know, it's driving me crazy."

Lynne nodded. "And if so?"

"I'll be happy." Happy spoke. "I want this more than anything - as long as it's with you." With that, he swung his legs over the side of the bed with a small kiss on her head. "I can't sleep until I know."

"Walgreens is probably the only store open about now."

Happy nodded simply. It was 2 am. He looked crazy, he was sure of it. He pulled up his pants and chucked on a shirt, before grabbing the SUV keys and rushing out of her mother's house.

Lynne giggled to herself and shook her head, a light slumber sneaking up on her.


"I didn't know which ones to get." Happy spoke, holding about ten different boxes in his hand. He looked at Lynne who had perched on the end of the bed, thankful that he had let her sleep until at least a decent hour.

"Holy shit." She giggled at all of the tests. She grabbed herself a box or two, a clear blue, and a first response - which claimed to find out six days sooner.

"Go take it." He urged her, pulling her to her feet.

"Jesus, Hap." She breathed, "Let me wake up a minute." She said as she walked into the attached bathroom.

She watched as Happy stood in the door way, a smug look on his face.

"You're being creepy," she said as she pulled down her sleep shorts and unwrapped both tests. Sitting down, she looked over at Happy.

"Okay, okay, sorry." He spoke and turned around. "Better?"

"Walk away," Lynne shook her head laughing. Once he was away from the door, she was able to get going. Dipping both tests in her stream for at least fifteen seconds, she then recapped the tests and flipped them upside down.

Wiping herself, she flushed the toilet and pulled her shorts up.

"Done." She spoke.

Happy came rushing into the bathroom. A smile playing on his lips. "Are they done yet?"

"No! Hap! They need a few minutes." She rolled her eyes. "Gosh, you really want this... don't you?"

Happy nodded slowly.

Lynne looked over at Happy, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist.

"I'm proud of you." Happy spoke up.


"Dealing with everything - still getting up with a smile on your face."

"Me too."

"They must be done now." He spoke and reached around her, grabbing one test. Looking at it, his jaw dropped.

A positive.

"Look!" He turned the test around, showing Lynne. "It's positive."

Lynne grabbed the second test, handing it to Happy.


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