9. All Night

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Within a few minutes, she was out of bed. After a few days of carefully thinking, she knew it was time. Lynne pulled on her top and kissed Happy's head, watching him sleep peacefully for a moment, before she pulled on her jeans and boots, then quietly left the room.

Lynne walked down the hallway and greeted Half-Sack, took a mug filled with coffee, gratefully. "I have a couple errands I have to run." She said softly and dipped on the coffee, "I should be back before Happy wakes up and if I'm not, just let him know there was a girl emergency." Lynne shrugged and sat down at the bar.

"Got ya." Half Sack nodded and smiled at Lynne, "Everything okay?" He raised his eyebrows at her and took the mug once she finished sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, just need to take care of a few things." Lynne smiled at him and stood up, "I'll see you soon." She muttered as she walked into the bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth and fixing her hair, before leaving the clubhouse and heading over to the car she was borrowing from the shop.

Lynne climbed into the black SUV, after unlocking it and climbing in. She sighed as she started it and listened to it run for a few minutes, before she put the car in reverse and drove off.

. . .

Lynne closed her eyes after parking in the driveway. She held her breath for a moment before letting it out, trying to find the courage to get out of the car and then go knock on the door. Turning off the car, she opened her eyes and looked towards the door, then took a deep breath again. Lynne grabbed the keys out of the ignition and opened the car door, climbing out. She closed the door and locked it, heading up the front steps.

Reaching up, she knocked on the door and sighed, stepping back as she waited for the door to be answered.

The door creaks open after a few minutes and a view of a shirtless and messy blonde haired man comes into view. "Hell do you want?" The raspy voice greets her. He crossed his arms over his chest and stares down at her as he leans up against the door frame.

"Nice to see you too, Jax." Lynne rolled her eyes as she pushed her hair off of her shoulder. "We need to talk. Can I come in?" Once he didn't respond, she huffed and walked past him.

"Make yourself comfortable." He rolled his eyes and grunted as he slammed the door behind her. "What the hell do you want?" Jax crossed his arms again, as he leaned against the living room wall.

"Look, we need to talk, Jax." Lynne sighed as she sat down on the couch, taking a breath. All of a sudden, her heart started to pound as she stared over at Jax. Her stomach felt like it was in knots; she was nervous. "Your girlfriend, she decided to attack me yesterday." She spoke slowly and gazed up at Jax, trying to gage his reaction. Blank. "She almost busted my stitches, seriously. She was out of control, twisted thinking that I was sleeping with you."

As if something clicked, Jax's eyes softened. "She was coming at me too." He muttered and then looked up at Lynne, "I'm sorry. You're not hurt, are you?"

"Doesn't matter, you hurt me enough." Lynne looked over at Jax and shook her head, her hand instinctively flying up to her neck. Lynne rubbed her neck and then dropped her arm by her side, taking a deep breath. "But I just wanted you to know, wanted you to hear it from me before she tried to spin this all around on me."

"I'm really sorry about that, I just fuck up and lose control.." Jax spoke and ran a hand through his hair. "My mind just spiraled out of control, I'm not like that, I promise. I've never been like that,"

"I know, Jackson. And that's why I forgive you." Lynne spoke and smiled up at him, standing up from the couch. "As much as I want to catch up and continue talking with you, I have a lot of things to do." She smiled at him.

"Oh," Jax nodded, understandingly. "I get it." He smiled over at her and walked away from the wall, opening his arms to her. "Again, I'm so sorry, Lynne."

"It's alright, Jax." Lynne smiled and looked up at him, "I promise." She said as she gently wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"I don't understand how you're so forgiving." He muttered, he was conflicted. He didn't understand how she could be hurt so much and continue to forgive. "Thank you." He muttered into her ear. Jax looked down at her and smiled, lifting her chin slowly. "I never stopped loving you, you know that, right?" She just nodded simply and huffed. "I love you, Lynne. I do." He whispered as he stared into her eyes.

In a swift motion, he had her pinned against the wall and his hands were tangled in her hair. Jax chuckled and pressed her lips against hers, gripping her thighs as she wrapped them around his waist.

Her heart fluttered as she kissed him back, she knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help herself.

Jax held her close to his body, walking down the hallway and towards his bedroom. He pushed the door open with his foot and then kicked it shut behind them.

The kiss got more heated, and soon there were piles of clothes on the floor.

Jax pulled back and kissed and sucked down Lynne's neck, his finger slowly dipping in between her legs. A soft moan made him smirk as he looked down at her, enjoying seeing her eyes closed and her mouth hung open.

Lynne gripped up at his shoulders and opened her eyes, biting on her lip as he entered her. "What time does she get home?" She let out a breath moan as she wrapped her legs around his waist, tightly.

"Not until late tonight," he grunted in response and thrusted into her quickly, "Just enjoy this, all night," Lynne bit her lip and nodded, closing her eyes.

She didn't want this to ever end, nor did he.

Thank you, Venomis for helping me decide on some of the events in the upcoming chapters ;) I appreciate it so much, I'm so excited to write this. Thank you! Much love x

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