27.) My Dream

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Eleven years ago, a really close friend of mine made a promise. A promise were its just the two of us knew. I don't know if he still remember that, after he's gone missing the past eleven years.

I know you're asking me, why or how did that happened. He's seven years old on that time and me six. We're both both playing on the front yard of mom's house until a white van stopped infront of us and get Harry.


"Harry!" I yelled. He's squirming under the masked man but the man didn't let him go.

"Let me go!" He shouted.

"Shut up kid!" The man snapped, shoving Harry inside the van.

I yelled, asking for help but the van is already on the rode. I didn't even know tears are flowing freely down my face.


I know eleven years is long but that memory is still fresh in my mind.

Now I'm seventeen and I'm still thinking of Harry. What is he looks likr? Does he even remember me? What abot the promise? Many questions are needed to be answered but all of them are still unanswered.

Harry's family considered him dead. Because they cant do anything, he's gone missing for how many years. While I, I still believe he's alive.

I can feel it, my heart still feel it.

Now I'm here, sulking on my own room, facing the television. In case my bestfriend will popped on the screen.

"Y/N!" I heard my mom from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I answered.

She just bursted inside my room, a big-very big- on her face. "I have a good news."

"What is it?" I asked, smiling slightly.

My mom sat beside me and spoke, "They found Harry."

I froze, eyes widening, jaw dropping. "What?" My tears are already pooling in my eyes so when I blinked some of them just ran down my face. "Where is he?"

"At the police station. But I- there's also a bad news." She muttered. I didn't answer and let her to continue. "He doesn't remember anything. He can't even remember his own mother and sister. And he's working for the man who kidnapped him."

I stood up and ran downstairs, not even caring what I'm wearing.

He's alive. He's alive. He's alive.

I heard my mother yelling my name but I don't care. I'm going to see my bestfriend after how many years of waiting. I'm gonna see him.


"Let go of me!" I heard a yelling when I was already infront of the metallic room. That can't be him right?

I knocked and a police opened it, I think he's on his 50's. "Hello young lady, what can I do for you?" I looked at the side and saw a man with curly hair, sitting, bowing his head, handcuffed, infront of a long table.

Harry Styles Imagines [Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ