78.) Blabbing The Truth

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Harry's POV

"Hey." I felt someone's arms going around my shoulder. I let out an 'oof', and turned my head, seeing Y/N, smiling. "Wanna go for a drink? I'll treat." She let go of me because I was like bowing since her arms are around my shoulder. And I was like so tall and she was like just below my shoulder

"Why? Is there something to be celebrated on?" I asked, placing my hand in my pockets.

We continue walking as she answered me, "I just wanna treat you. What's wrong with that?"

My eyes looked at her for a second, and smiled. "Okay. Okay."

She clapped her hands and grinned widely. "Yay. I'll see you later, umm at around 5, here," she pointed the mine shop we are in front at, "in front of this."


She moved in front of me so I stopped walking. She motioned me to be level at her so I did, she chuckled and ruffled my hair hard, then she laughed and ran.

I was left there, jaw hanging open, still bowing. I straigthened my back and looked at her, meters away from me, still laughing. "You..."

She stuck her tongue on me and that's when I decided to run after her. She screamed and continue running, take note she was still laughing

My hair.


I decided to wear a sweater and a skinny black pants, then grabbing my beanie, since the winter is starting. I fixed my hair, combing it backwards then placing the beanie on my head.

I walked out of my house and looked at my phone, 4:57. Hmm, could she be there already?

When I got there, I saw her inside the shop. Her eyes found mine and she smiled, immediately walking outside. "Hey." Her eyes looked up, she was looking at my beanie.

My hands went up, holding it in place. "What?"

She chuckled, "Why are you wearing a beanie?"

"It's style. Why?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

She shook her head then linked her arms on mine. She is usually like that, so comfortable around me. Not that I'm complaining, I actually quite like it. Even though she's just my friend, which I have feelings on.

Five minutes later we are infront of a mini bar. Why does she want to drink so badly?

We entered the store and gladly, there are only a few people here and it's not that noisy. We sat down in front of a round table, she ordering some drinks. "Two bottles of alcohol please."

I looked at her, bewildered. Two? Two bottles? Of alcohol?

The lady gave us, and so well two small glass cup and I smiled at her in return. Then, I turned my head to Y/N, ready to ask her why does she need so much alcohol? But she already drank once. She made a face then smiled, pouring in another. She grabbed it but I grabbed her hand.

"What's up? What's happening? Why are you drinking?"

She smiled at me then grabbed my hand with her other one, she pushed my hand away then chug that one drink again. She already had two.

An hour had passed, she was still drinking. I only had two because I have to watch her. Though, she poured me another one.

"Y/N." I spoke she didn't listen to me. "Hey." I grabbed both of her hands and she looked up at me, smiling sheepishly.

"Harry." She slurred, blinking slowly. "Why do you have a twin?" She stared at me, mouth agape. "You're everywhere." She laughed, she tried to push my hand but this time, I didn't let her go.

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