23.) Insecure

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"Again Harry? What if they hates me?" I asked, frantically at my boyfriend.

Currently, he wanted me to meet his parents AGAIN. Because last time, I made a fool of myself infront of them and I don't want that to happen again.

"Y/N. Its not like your meeting the queen. Don't be so nervous." He said.

I gave him a poker face, "Do you remember last time I met them? I spilled my drink all over my dress and your mom thinks now, I'm crazy, I'm ugly and things like that."

"Baby, she doesn't think like that. Just please..." he gave me his puppy eyes.

I stared at him and sighed, "Just because I love you."

He smiled happily and hugged me unexpectedly, "Thank you." He chuckled, "Oh and I love you too."


"Woah, Y/N." He chuckled when he saw me. "What are you wearing?"

I'm wearing such a pretty long gown, where my legs are shown. "Do you like it Harry?" My make-up is hot. You know? Reddish and all.

He smiled, dimples showing. "I said, your not meeting the queen. You don't have to wear dresses like that. But I must admit you look beautiful."

I smiled, "Come on now, don't want to be late."

Okay, I know, I know I'm exaggerating this. I'm wearing such thing because I think I'm ugly and no matter what I do, I'm ugly. That's the same word my mind has been processing since last week and I hate it.


The lunch has started as me, Harry, his mother, and two fiancées of his oldest and youngest brother. (Just pretend that Harry has two brothers. Edward and Marcel, but no their not triplets.)

"Y/N, this is Faith, Edward's fiancée." Anne said as I looked at Faith, woah. She's pretty. But maybe this girl has a bad attitude.

"Hello Y/N." She smiled.

"Faith is a Christian student in a school from India and she kinda love to praise the Lord." Anne exclaimed. Okay, maybe she's not. Sorry Lord, sorry. "Next is Avery, Marcel's fiancée aswell." Woah, she's beautiful too. But I think, she's not smart.

"Hi." Avery greeted.

"Avery just graduated, top six at the highest school of London and she is working full time job at the biggest hotel today." Maybe, she's not aswell.

This girls are beautiful, so beautiful. I'm kinda in the lowent rank right now.

"What about you Y/N? What's your job?" Anne asked, stuffing a spoon in her mouth.

My eyes widened, "Um.. um... well, I-I'm kinda..." I bit my lip. "Uhh.. I sell..."

"You sell what?" Anne asked. Fuck, Harry help me.

"Mom, Y/N here sells condominiums." Harry answered.

"Oh." They all said, chuckling.

"Yeah and she's like sold ten units in six months." Harry exclaimed.

"Ten units?" Anne asked, surprised. "Wow, that's a record." Faith and Avery is smiling at me aswell.

"Yes and Y/N here kinda sings." Harry looked at me and smiled. "Can you give us a sample, babe?"

I chuckled nervously, "Of course."

"So I'll be bold
Aswell as strong
And use my head
Along side my heart
So tame my flesh
Oh, and fix my eyes
The tethered mind
Free from the lies

Harry Styles Imagines [Book 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora