52.) Harry

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I was at home and waiting for Harry. Its already past midnight and he still isn't here. I've gone worried. What if something bad happened to him? Ugh!

We two fell into a huge fight earlier and he's the one who walked out first. Its really my fault. If something happened to him ugh I'll blame myself forever.

Actually its goes like this...


I was in the living room, waiting for him to come home from work. After a few minutes, I heard the door slamming open then closed. I already knew its him.

When I looked at him, he had a pissed expression on his face. He didn't greet me and just went straight to the bedroom, slamming the door after. What's wrong with him?

Since, I'm confused and I care for him, I followed him to our bedroom. I opened the door to see him leaning on the head of our bed, holding his phone.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked and went closer to him.

"Leave me alone." He grumbled and continue typing on his phone, doing whatever that is.

I did not give up and sat infront of him, placing my hand on his thigh. "What's wrong?"

He looked at me with mad eyes, "Nothing. Leave me alone."

"What happened? Does something happened in the studio? Did you have a fight with the boys?" I asked but he did not paid attention to me. I started to get mad but I controlled myself, "I said, what happened?"

"I said, nothing!" He snapped, slapping my hand away from his thigh. "Nothing happened!"

"Then, why are you like this?" He did not answer and that's when I blow, snatching his phone on his hand. Accidentally, the phone slipped away from my hand and causing it to go to our tiled floor. "I'm so sorry."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He shouted.

I stood up and stepped backwards, away from him. I can feel my heart pounding inside of me.

"You just don't understand, huh?! Why are you so fucking clingy?! Ugh!" He groaned.

"I-I didn't mean to." I muttered.

"Fuck you! You know what, I'm done with you! Were through, Y/N! Just pack your things and get away from here. When I get back, you better not be here." He yelled and pick his phone on the floor, stomping away the bedroom.

My knees became weak as I fell on the floor. Oh my god. Were done. Harry and I are done.


Its really a horrible fight.

I've called him a few times but it went straight to voicemail. I know his phone are still okay since my accidental throw is not that hard and I'm right.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my hand. I immediately opened it just to see Harry's message.

From Harry: Y/N!!!!!!!!!

I scrunched my eyebrows confused. To Harry: Where are you, baby?

From Harry: somewer far from u ! :P

I thought then a place popped in my head. That's it! I grabbed my jacket, putting it on after then sprinting out the door. I wish he'll be on that place.

Its a bar. Its not a noisy bar, I actually quite like there. Its a quiet bar and there drinks are not that expensive so me and Harry always come there whenever we have time.

Ten minutes of walking, I finally came infront of the bar. I pushed the glass door open and my eyes quickly searched the place. There he was, sitting in the high chairs, a glass of alcohol in his hand.

I sighed and approached him, quietly. He was fast asleep on the bar stool. Its now or never.


I placed him on our bed, exhausted. That's a long way home. We don't have car and I just guide him here.

He laid on his front, still closed eyes. I stared at him for a few seconds then I find myself, tearing. I just don't believe were done. But if that's what he wants then I'm gonna accept it, even if it hurt me as hell.

I kneeled infront of him and my hand found his curly brown hair, gently running my hand through it.

A tear escaped my eye then another and another until I was full on crying. "I'm so sorry, Harry." I pressed my lips together so I'm not going to wake him up, I'm sobbing loud. I leaned in and pressed my lips on his temple, "I love you."

I stayed like that for a few seconds then I stood up, placing my hand on my mouth because I'm making too much noise.

I was about to walk away but a warm hand grabbed mine. I stopped crying and turned my head to him. He was looking at me with warm and tired eyes that made me cry again.

He sat and pulled me to his bed, closer to him. I'm just crying, letting him do what he wants with me.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest, "Shh... Y/N. Baby, calm down."

"I'm sorry Harry." I sobbed. "I didn't mean to throw your phone. I didn't mean to yell at you. I didn't mean to get mad. I'm sorry if I'm clingy, I'm sorry if I annoy you. I'm sorry for everything!"

He cupped my face and wiped my cheeks, "Hey Y/N. Calm down, its okay. I'm sorry too, even if I don't remember what I said to you."

He don't remember? "You broke up with me, Harry." I whispered and his face showed shock and surprise. "You don't remember? You said a 'fuck you' on my face, you told me that were done and I need to pack my things before you came home. I'm sorry."

"I-I said that?" He asked and I became confused. Why don't he remember? He's not drunk when he told me those things, right?

I nodded and wiped my cheeks, stopping my tears.

He suddenly hugged me and said, "No. I did not mean anything of that. I'm sorry, Y/N. No, I won't break up with you. I will never break up with you. I'm so so sorry."

I finally hugged back and stuffed my face on his neck, crying loudly.

Then he puled away and cupped my cheeks again, "Do you understand? I did not mean any of what I said. I would never break up with you, baby. I love you."

"I love you, too."

He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. His lips taste alcohol and that made me kiss him back.

Thank Lord.

A/N: Hey! I hope you like this one! I shed a few tears ha! Please tell me if you like it and vote please! Bye! Oh and follow me on twitter and instagram. Allaine_Lia and allaine_lia. Follow me here in wattpad too please, I follow back.

~Allaine xx

Harry Styles Imagines [Book 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora