59.) Next In Line

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Me and Harry, my bestfriend were walking on the park, just wandering. We were bored at our houses so yeah, here we are.

I tugged Harry to sit on one of the benches with me because we were walking for a while now and my feet are starting to hurt.

I'm so happy with Harry. He's the best of all. He stood beside everytime I need someone and let's just say I don't wanna lose him.

I'm not gonna say I didn't grew feelings for him. Because now, my feeling for him is still growing. Though, I just kept it a secret. I don't wanna lose him by these stupid feelings. Those two years of beung his bestfriend will not be wasted.

I don't know what he feels for me because if he has feelings for me, he should've told me earlier. But with his actions, I knew otherwise. Like now...

We both sat quietly just watching other people at the park. Then I felt his hand held mine. I turned my head and watched him. He was looking down on our entertwined hands with a small smile on his face.

"They fit perfectly, yeah?" He then looked at me. He's confusing me sometimes.

He slightly squeezed my hand that made me answer him, "Yeah."

He grinned and looked around. "Look at them." He pointed an older couple not to far away from us. The older couple were holding hands while talking to each other. They look... sweet. "Wish we could be like that, you know?"


I looked at him but he-s already looking at me. There's a ghost smile on his lips and a sparkle on his eyes. He broke the eye contact and looked away. His smile fading, "But that's impossible."

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"You already like someone else, Josh right?" He asked.

I wanted to laugh loudly at what he said but I just smiled. Josh was my classmate, my seatmate actually and he's nothing but a friend. I don't like Josh. I like Harry.

"I don't like Josh, Harry. Plus, he doesn't have the thing he must have." I explained.

"And what will that be?" He asked, his green eyes staring at mine.

"His name." I answered. He raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"His name? What's wrong with his name? He has a name, right? Jos-"

I cut him off, "I want to be next in line, Harry."

"I really don't understand you, Y/N. What are you talking about?" His frown getting deeper.

I sigh, "You see, my grandfather's name is Eduardo. My father's is Eddie. I want my husband's name to be something like Edmund or Edward. Josh is nowhere near on both."

He chuckled, finally understanding what I'm trying to say. "Maybe you're destined on someone named Edward."

I rolled my eyes but smiled, "Where will I find a boy named Edward? I don't know no one."

He suddeny stood and went infront of me. He hold his hand out and grinned, "Hi, I'm Harry Edward Styles."

I laughed and shook my head at his silliness. "Are you really?"

His eyes told me 'try me'. He get his pocket out and gave me his I.D. Is he really serious?

I looked down and read. Harold Edward Styles. He's serious. He's serious oh my god.

He sat beaide me again and spoke, "Do you believe me now?"

I turned my head on him, a smile breaking out on my face, "Why didn't I know this?"

He smirked, "You never asked. Plus, I was saving it for the right moment like now." He hold my hands again and turned me around so I was facing him. "I love you, Y/N."

I tried to hide my grin but I couldn't. "I love you, too Harry."

His grin faded immediately, "Really?"

I nodded repeatedly and chuckled, "Yes!"

He sat closer to me, "So is that mean... you're my girlfriend? You'l be mine?"

I leaned in and flicked my nose with his, "Yes, silly."

"YES!" He shouted and stood up, "YES!" He looked at me with happy eyes. He went to me and lift me up, making me squeal.

"Harry, put me down!"

He stopped laughing but kept his smile, "May I kiss you, baby?"

I grinned, "So you can call me 'baby' now?"

He leaned closer, "Yes, babe. So... may I kiss you, love?"

I giggled and wrapped my arm on his neck, pressing his forehead on mine. "You may, Edward." I answered and he didn't hesistate, connecting our lips. They fit perfectly. His lips was warm againts mine.

He pulled away seconds later, "Thank my mother my name is Edward."

I giggled, "Even if you don't have that name, I'll still be yours of course if you tell me."

"I will make sure of that. I promise, Y/N, I'll marry you someday. You'll be next in having a husband whose name is starting with 'Ed'. You'll keep the generation up." The way he said that made me smile.

"You promise?"

"I promise, love."

A/N: There you go! Hope you love this. I love this, a lot. Tell me something about it.

I'm really sorry for not updating for a while. I'm not gonna say I'm busy because I'll lie. Let's just say, I'm always not in the mood. And I'm so sorry for that. :/

Hope I still have my readers and thank you SO SO SO much for the 80K reads. I can't thank you enough.

And for those who asked for personals, don't worry I'm still making them. You just need to wait and have patience. Thank you! :*

~Allaine xx

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