89.) Shattered [Part 3]

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My heart dropped when I heard her name. "We need to go now." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car. We both get in and he started driving fast.

"What's with her?" I asked, let's just say too cold. She left me for godsake. With no reason at all!

I am seeming to miss a lot on what's happening. Is "Her" is Y/N? Why did they keep in contact? Why don't I know about this?

"Niall you tell me what's happening or stop the car."

"Harry, jesus christ!" Niall pulled over and stopped the car. He turned his head to me. He hasn't wiped his tears, "Y/N has been fighting over her life for almost nine months now! Goddamn Y/N is dying and no one knows about it."

The world seems to stop. Y/N... is what?

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I was trying hard to relax but those words keep repeating on my mind.

He sighed deeply and looked down. "Y/N is sick, Harry. She has been in the hospital for almost nine months now. She didn't tell anyone about it because she doesn't want anyone to cry over her. She refused to do a surgery for an unknown reason and now she's in the emergency room because she just had an attack!" Niall cried loudly. "Nurses are reviving her right now."





"How is she?" Niall asked a doctor after two hours on waiting in the hospital.

The doctor sighed,  "Her heart is too weak. It barely pumps. The only way she can be saved is if she'll enter a surgery. But the patient don't want that so we can't just do it. She was put in the ICU instead. Her situation right now is 50/50. I'm sorry."

I tried to blinked the tears away. "What kind of bullshit are you saying?"

"Harry." Niall warned me.

"You can't just say things like that! Your job is to make her live!" I snapped.

"Harry stop." Niall grabbed my arm but I pushed him away from me. I'm not yet done.

"You must do what's best for her! If she don't want a surgery, still do it! Its the only way she can live again!"

"I'm sorry. We can't do anything." The doctor said. "You can visit her right now if you guys want."

I closed my eyes and tried very hard not to cry. If she's in the ICU, she's in a critical state.

Fuck that.


My knees buckled when I saw her on her state. Oh my god, Y/N.

The nurse inside saw me and let me in. Niall didn't go with me because he said I need an alone time with her. I was wearing a green coat and mask for protection. The nurse left the room and I was left with her.

The more I stare at her, the more regret I feel. I don't even recognize her now, she was so pale and thin.

I sat next to her and grabbed her hand. I suddenly let out a cry. I cried, crying my eyes out in front of the girl who made me feel everything.

"Y/N." I said her name while staring at her face. She didn't even move. She didn't answer me. She was just peacefully laying there with hoses and machines around her. "I'm sorry."


Two weeks had passed, two weeks of  crying my eyes out day and night, two weeks and she's still not yet awake. I stayed beside her for almost everyday, leaving when only I need to get something or take a bath but other than that I was just in the hospital, waiting for her to wake up.

Harry Styles Imagines [Book 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें