35.) Same Yet Different

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Harry's POV

I sighed making my way to my locker. The school corridor is still empty considering its just 6:00. I'm still sleepy. Why did I wake up so early anyway? Oh, maybe because if I got late again, I'll be on detention.

So here I'am. Alone. Stupid.

I sat on the ground, leaning on the locker. Sighing once again, I closed my eyes.

But suddenly I heard a 'bang!' noise. My eyes shot open and I stood up immediately. I heard a squeal so I decided to follow it. I jogged my way towards the school's garden from where the sounds are coming.

I saw my girlfriend, Stella running away from someone-a boy- I hide myself behind a tree and watch them.

She was laughing, so did the boy. Suddenly she tripped and so did he, because he had his hands all over her.

There next move was out of my league.

They kissed.

What the fuck? I felt my hand going to a shape like stone and my jaw tensing. How dare is she? I can see myself going red as I watched both of them getting heated.

Someone touched my shoulder and I calmed a little. I looked back and saw Professor Edmund.

"Hi Harry. What are you doing here?" He asked.

I looked to Stella and her little lover boy but they aren't already there.

I sighed deeply and looked back to him, "Nothing professor. Need some fresh air."

He nodded, "Well then. I'm glad you're not late."

I gave him a very small fake smile and nodded, "Thanks."

"I shall get back to my room, don't be late to my class Mr. Styles." He warned, eyes widening.

"Yes professor." I answered then he walked away.

Stella you're done. So done.


I was sitting alone on one of the tables in the cafeteria while reading a book. This day had been gone normal for me, nothing bad happenings happened and I'm glad-

Someone placed a hand on my table hard, creating a loud noise. I looked up and saw a curly headed boy infront of me and I can see anger running from his eyes.

"What?" I asked, not really interested on him.

His jaw tenses and grabbed my arm roughly.

"Ouch!" I bolted out, but he seemed like he doesn't care. Well, he really isn't.

And, who the fuck is this? I don't even know him and he will dragged me no where?

Once we were out, I realized he brought me to the garden. Why? And why did he dragged me again?

He let go of my arm and looked at me, I can see anger and hatred in his eyes.

Then he spoke not stopping, "You do know you cheated on me on public do you? I know you're gonna say that you don't know what I'm talking about. But I saw you, kissing another guy although were together! What have I done huh? Tell me! What the fuck did I do wrong Stella? Am I too boring for you? I fucking like you, I almost let myself fall for you but thank God, I saw that or else I'll even fall for you harder each day. And that will be the biggest mistake of my life. So now, tell me what's-"

I cutted him by slapping him right on the cheek. Hard. Just like how he's hands interrupted me from earlier.

He stayed frozen so I spoke.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Harry's POV

Wait, that didn't sounded like Stella.

"I don't even know who the fuck are you! Or even that Stella! I don't know what's happening to you but I'm gonna say, you have some problems. A mental problem. Jerk."

I looked up and saw her already walking away. Her brown hair is bouncing on her back. Wait, Stella had blonde hair not brown.

Okay... I think I messed up. Really bad.

I bit my lip and sighed loudly.

You're a jerk Harry! You just embarassed yourself! Wow! Good job!

**The Next Day**


I still can't forget what hapoened yesterday. From the way he spoke, the meaning of his words like he just saw her girlfriend-I think Stella- cheated on her.

I want to help him but he had been an asshole.

He just dragged me, take note-hard-. Then he screamed at me. Not even realizing who's infront of him. He must have thought I was he's girlfriend. Ugh, whatever.

I opened my locker, placing my Geometry and Politics books inside. Then getting the Chemistry one.

Someone grabbed my arm and I immediately looked back.

My eyes widened when I saw who it was. Its him.

I stepped back, not wanting him to touch me physically. He had a very guilty look on his face as he looked at me.

He sighed and looked down. Being a softie I'am, I asked him if he was alright. I know, I know. He yelled at me. But I just want to know why.

"Yeah. Look, I'm sorry. I just thought you we're my girlfriend. And I thought wrong. I shouldn't have yelled at you and think first. You just look like her a lot." So I was right. "I didn't get much time to recognize you because I was so pissed at that time and... I'm sorry." He apologized, still looking down.

He didn't even get an eye contact with me.

He started to walked away but I stopped him, "Hey um, its alright. I forgive you." I gave him a small, hoping he will smile back. And he did, he even got dimples!



He chuckled, "I really hope we can start all over again?"

"Yeah. That would be nice."

"Well then, I'm Harry Styles. And you are?" He handed his hand for me to shook and I shook it.

"Y/F/N. Nice to meet you." I smiled.

Harry laughed, "I hope I can see you again later this lunch Y/N."

"Of course, I'll be waiting Harry."

"Nice to meet you again Y/N!" He called then he walled away.

What a day.

A/N: Hi! Here, I'am still sulking here at home. I decided, I'm just gonna watch Where We Are here alone so I still can feel a tiny bit of happiness today. Really crying right now. Wishing I'am there but no.

I hide my true feelings by smiling :)

Thanks again for reading.

#OTRA Concert </3

~Allaine <3

Harry Styles Imagines [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin