54.) Couples In The Wild [Part 2]

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After a minute or so, I opened my eyes and looked around. Zayn and Rhenz, Louis and Corrinne are still snogging and the other two couple are just cuddling like us.

I saw Zayn and Rhenz pulled away and they cuddled now, smiling at theirselves. But Louis and Corrinne were getting hot. He even had Corrinne on his lap, straddling him. I can't really saw what they're doing because they're infront of us.

"Guys stop." Mariel said, sitting beside them.

They didn't listen and even got hotter. Oh my god.

"Guys." Kathleen squeaked, looking at them with wide eyes. Zayn and Liam stood up pulling Corrinne gently away from Louis. But she didn't let them get her. She wrapped her hands on Louis' neck and pulled him closer to her.

Niall was laughing, Harry is chuckling, Kathleen is wide eyed, Rhenz, Mariel and I are smiling. Let me tell you something, those two are inseperable.

After half a second, Louis pulled away from her addictive girlfriend while chuckling. "Baby, stop."

I can hear Corrinne's hard breathings in here, "Let's go up stairs, please."

My smile dropped off of my face. Don't tell me they're gonna have sex up stairs.

"No guys, you can't do it here." Rhenz spoke and we all looked at her, "The walls are not sound proof."

"I agree." Harry spoke, grinning. "I totally agree."

"I, second emotion." I spoke while smiling widely.

"How did you know?" Zayn asked, walking back to Rhenz.

Harry laughed, "Nevermind." I let out a giggle from what Harry said.

"Okay, let's start this bonfire now. Its getting cold." Mariel said while sitting closer to Liam.

"How are we gonna start this?" Kathleen asked.

There's a silence for a moment then I heard shufflings. I turned my head to Niall and Kathleen's direction and saw that Niall was taking his guitar out.

I grinned widely because I know where this is going. I really love when the boys sang. Especially when they sang to us. Ugh, the most perfect moment.

Niall started strumming a familiar tune then Liam was the first one to sing.

"Baby I, I wanna know what you think when you're alone. Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh. We've been friends now for a while. Wanna know that when you smile. Is it me yeah? Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh oh."

Then I felt Harry's fingers cupped my chin, then he looked directly in my eyes. "Girl, what would you do? Would you wanna stay, if I were to say..." I smiled and broke eye contact with him and continue listening to all of them.

"I wanna be last yeah, baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss. I wanna be first yeah, wanna be the first to take it all away like this. And if you... only knew... I wanna be last yeah, baby let me be your last. Your last first kiss."

My eyes travelled to Niall and Kathleen while smiling, "Baby tell me wouldn't change. I'm afraid you'll ran away. If I tell you, wanna wanted to tell you. Yeah."

Then to Louis that has Corrinne on his lap. He didn't sang it to us. He sang it to her, whispering the lyrics in her ear. "Maybe I just gotta wait, maybe this is a mistake I'm a fool yeah. Baby, I'm just a fool yeah. Oh oh."

Then Zayn reached the high note again, "Girl, what would you do? Would you wanna stay, if I were to say..."

"I wanna be last yeah, baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss. I wanna be first yeah, wanna be the first to take it all away like this. And if you... only knew... I wanna be last yeah, baby let me be your last. Your last first kiss."

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