Don't Fret, Harry.

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It was twenty minutes until race time. I switched places with Harry, on the race board, because I had to change my oil, and put air in my tires. I had just pulled back up from airing my tires, and was changing my oil when I heard Harry screaming.

Harry's POV.

"Bitch, you're not taking my car. There is no way you beat me. Your car is trash. My car is worth more than your entire life. You want the cash, fine take it. But you will not get my car." I was screaming in her face, but she didn't flinch. "Look guy, I don't make the rules. You're the one that went all in. I didn't make you do that. So you either give me the goddamn pink slip, or I'm going to break your fucking jaw. Don't fuck with me little boy. I'll break your little fuck boy ass."

I stood their quietly. She showed me up on the street, now she is showing me up to my face. I had a nice buzz going on, and she was ruining it. So I slapped her. "Fuck you, bitch." Her head snapped back and she looked at me deadpan. I watched her draw her arm back with her fist balled up. I seen it coming yet I didn't move. I didn't feel the punch, I just heard the unmistakable sound of my jaw cracking.

"Styles, what the fuck is going on?" I heard Louis yell, off in the distance. I was struck again, and fell to the ground. The pain was blocked by the endorphins that the heroin manipulated. But I knew the second blow, broke my nose. My shirt was blood stained, and my vision was getting blurry. "This little fuck boy, decided to slap me, because he don't want to hand over his pink slips. That's what is going on." She yelled at Louis, who was now kneeling beside me picking me up. "You didn't have to break his fucking face." "I think it makes it look better, the only thing I could think that would make it even better, is if he was on his knees with his face in between my legs, like the dog he is. Get him the fuck out of here, and suit up because you're next daddy." That was the last I heard before I completely blacked out.

Louis's POV.

"Styles, what the fuck is going on?" "This little fuck boy, decided to slap me, because he don't want to hand over his pink slips. That's what is going on." "You didn't have to break his fucking face." "I think it makes it look better, the only thing I could think that would make it even better, is if he was on his knees with his face in between my legs, like the dog he is. Get him the fuck out of here, and suit up because you're next daddy." The way she called me daddy, had my dick doing flips. I could feel myself getting hard, and I wasnt up for embarrassing myself. So I picked Harry up, and carried him back to my car.

I was trying to wake him up, but all I could hear was her saying daddy, as I fucked her in the backseat of my car. My thoughts were interrupted by the warning horn. It was almost time to race. She had already beaten Styles, and Thomas. I prayed I didn't fall victim to her racing skills again. I moved Styles to his car, and headed back to mine, to suit up.

I revved my engine at the starting line. As I waited for her to pull up, I kept imagining how good she would look, with my dick down her throat. But my thoughts were short lived by the sound of heavy metal music blasting beside me. "You ready, big boy?" She hollered at me from her window. "I'm always ready darling." The green flag was thrown and off we went. I was in the lead, until I came to the turnaround. I drifted to soon, and ran into the wall, then my car stalled and died. I didn't expect what happened next. She stopped and backed up.

"Everything alright?" "Yeah, I think so. But my battery is dead. Go ahead and pass the finish line. I'll get someone to jump me off." Without another word, she got out of her car, and popped her trunk. She grabbed the jumper cables and stood in front of my car. "Pop the Hood" I did as she asked, still in awe that she was helping me, when she had so much on the line. She turned her car off and connected the cables to her battery, then too mine. She cranked her car, and charged my battery enough for me to crank my piece of junk.

She took the cables off, and got back in  her car. I thought she was going to head to the finish, but instead she just backed up beside me, and waited for my signal to go. "If I'm going to beat you, it's going to be a clean win." "Understood. " I gave her the signal, and we took off again. She crossed the finish line first, but honestly I didn't expect anything less. She was amazing.

"Styles, I want to apologize. You can keep your car, I don't want it. You can keep your money too, Maybe you can put it into your car, and come back when your car is worth a damn." I just stood beside her and admired her. "You're serious?" His voice was low as he spoke. "Yeah, I am serious." Harry, started sobbing and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Jealousy stung my body. What the hell was going on with me. This girl had me wrapped, and she didn't even know it.

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