Fresh Start.

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Being in love with a lost cause, is like searching for water in the desert. Useless. There is nothing worse than a broken person, trying to use their shattered pieces to fix someone else. The best things in life come with a price. The price is your soul. Sometimes even your life. It just depends on how much you are willing to give up for the person you love. Sometimes, you're willing to give a little, sometimes you are willing to give a lot. Styles was willing to give more than anyone thought. 

Her brother was beginning to wonder, to what lengths she would go when he found the Notice Of Eviction papers in the trashcan. That was when he knew he had to step in, she was good on her own until a boy was involved. Styles was funny like that. 

She was all too willing to sell herself out for the good of others. That was her personality. She cared more about others, than herself. That is what made her the best person Niall knew, and he wasn't in the business of letting people run over her. They had their fights, more often than not, but he loved her nonetheless. He would lay down his life to defend her honor.

Niall spent the next few days spying on Styles, and gathering information about Louis. He was planning on putting a stop to this nonsense before she lost everything she had worked so hard for. He wasn't worth losing sleep over, much less her house, and her life savings. But getting her to see that he was slowly draining her, was a much more difficult task. 

Regardless, it had to be done. Once she put her all into someone or something it was almost impossible to get her away from it. Seeing her drown herself in other peoples sorrows and problems was tearing Ni apart and there was nothing that he could think of to make it any better.

Nialls POV...

If i could somehow convince Styles that Louis was a lost cause and that he was just using her then she could let him go. But how.. Heroin is the key in this equation. I have to somehow prove that he loves heroin more than he could ever love her without actually giving it to him. This is the tricky part. Shouldn't really be too hard. But hell, what do I know?                 

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