Wash It All Away.

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I was running around the house trying to get Camille all dressed for her first day of second grade. It was so hard believe that she was already seven. The past three years seemed to fly by in a blur. Jackson was already three, and he looked so much like Liam. From the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Sometimes it helped me, sometimes it destroyed me on the inside, but either way I wouldn't change it for anything. 

I was so stressed about everything this week, and I wasn't sure why, but I was so glad that Karen was coming to visit us today. I couldn't hardly wait to pick her up from the airport, and Camille was ecstatic about seeing Gram, and so was mommy. This would only be her third time to the states. She tries to come about once a year and stays for a month or so. It was such a relief to see a familiar face from back home. I absolutely loved living in Connecticut, but I truly missed England. 

When Louis broke into my home and had his friend hold me down while he raped me, I knew that it was no longer safe for me and my children. I made the decision to move as far away as humanly possible, I had to put more than just miles between him and me. I couldn't think of a better way to do that, then to move to the states and for the last three years it had worked. Something deep inside me though, didn't think that it was far enough. 

After dropping Cami off at school and Jackson off at daycare, I went home to clean and prepare the guest room for Karen's arrival later this evening. As I was picking up Jackson's toys out of the hallway I noticed a muddy print that wasn't there when I left. I brushed it off and continued to Jack's room. I opened the door and threw his toys in the toy box and continued on to his bed. I was taking off his sheets to replace them with fresh ones when I heard the wooden floor crack behind me. I gasped and the sheets I was holding, now littered the ground at my feet.

"No fooking way." 

"I found you."

A/N- Really short filler chapter. Sorry guys. 

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