Code Blue.

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The hustle and bustle of the emergency room, never gets old. It's always something new. The beauty of being a nurse, is that you learn so many things from your patients, and they leave thinking you're an angel. Granted there can be assholes: but those kind of people are everywhere.

I sat at the nurses station, looking over patient files, and signing off on release papers. My mind drifted off to Zayn laying in bed, with yet another girl. I couldn't cry, I had no more tears left to shed over him. I lost him way before tonight, but he was too stubborn to admit it, and I was terrified to be alone. But now, that is exactly what I was. Alone. I was pulled out of my self pity by shouting and shuffling feet.

"Styles we have a code blue, room 1867. Hurry." I jumped up and ran down the hallway. I pushed open the door and and my heart dropped. I felt terrible. "Charge the paddles" I screamed at the other nurses. Why wasn't the doctor here yet? I thought to myself. I was giving CPR, just as fast as I could. But nothing was working. "

"Styles, call it. We tried. There is nothing else we can do." "Fuck this, give me 20cc's of Amiodarone, I won't let him die." "Styles, you're not a doctor, you could lose your job." "Do it now, this man's life is more important than my job" "fine." As soon as I was handed the needle, I plunged it into his chest. He immediatly reacted. "We have a pulse. Heart rate is improving, blood pressure is steadily rising."

I sat at the nurses station, filling out paper work. "Styles, that was a risky move, not to mention reckless, and stupid." I jumped at the sound of the raspy voice. "Dr. Payne. You scared me. I know my decision was reckless, but there was no doubt in my mind, that it would save his life." "Styles, It's decisions like that, that prove to me that you're ready to become my apprentice. You will make one hell of a doctor." I smiled and shook his hand. "Thank you so much, Dr. Payne." He walked away and I jumped up and down.

My excitement was short lived, when I remember him. I walked to his room, and poked my head in. He had no emergency contacts, no family, or friends to call.  He was alone. So fragile, and sad. It broke my heart to see him this way, even though he was a stranger to me, my heart felt like it had known him my whole life. I walked to his bedside, and touched his hand. I bent down and whispered in his ear. "Louis, you are not alone. I am here for you. I will save you."

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