Please Don't Let Me Die.

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Louis's POV.

All I remember from last night, was the voice of an angel. Her voice sounded so familiar, yet so foreign. It awoke something in me that I hadn't felt in a long time. Hope. I felt the warmth of her hand on my skin, and it was like fire in my veins. I was frozen in time, and my body wouldn't react. But my mind was running wild.

Who was this person, who swore to never leave me? Who was this woman that made my lifeless soul, want to live? I had to find out. I was always alone, I never had anyone to care. My family threw me away like a piece of trash, I guess in a way I was. I didn't even want to be me, so why would they want me?

I opened my eyes, to blinding light, pouring from the window. I looked around the small room, and my eyes landed on a sleeping figure, asleep in the chair beside my bed. Her hand was laying on top of mine, and I didn't want to move it. I reached over and placed my free hand on hers. The warmth of her skin, made me question my entire reason for living. Her hand twitched under mine, and I smiled like an idiot. She was precious. Even though I couldn't see her face, I could tell she was beautiful. Not by looks, but by her actions. I needed to know who this stranger was, and why she was in my room.

I slid up in the bed, and she stirred in the chair. She looked at me sleepily and smiled at me. I was shocked to be face to face with those beautiful green eyes. There was no way she was here. I was such an asshole to her. Her smile made me melt inside and there was no way, that I deserved to feel this way. "Styles, what are you doing here." Great Louis, start off the conversation being an asshole. "Sorry, I was here when they brought you in, so when my shift was over, I came to sit with you, because I didn't want you to be alone when you woke up. I guess I fell asleep waiting on you to come to. I will go ahead and go. I am glad you made it. You gave us quite the scare" I was about to speak, but there was a knock on my door, then it opened. "Good morning Mr. Tomlinson. I am Dr. Payne. How are you feeling?"

"I am alright I guess. I have a terrible headache, but all in all I feel OK. What happened?" "You were brought in on an overdose. But when they put you on the table, you went into full blown cardiac arrest. This beautiful lady beside you, saved your life. She gave you CPR, for 3 minutes, before they decided to call the time of your death. But she didn't give up. She made a hasty decision to give you an experimental drug, to shock your heart. When that didn't work, she grabbed the paddles. I guess with the much of electricity and adrenaline from the drug your heart started. She was in and out of your room all night checking on you. So I hope you've told her thank you. Because without her, you would be on your way to the grave."

I looked at her and smiled. She risked her job to save a life that wasn't even of value to her. She was genuine when she tried to help me. I owe her everything. I need her help. Because I finally found someone that wouldn't give up on me. I finally found a reason to give this shit up, and she was standing beside me.

Dr. Payne was talking about something but I couldn't hear anything he said. I was staring at her, and my mind was blank, except for the occasional thought of a future with her. He finally walked out, and shut the door. "Styles, you didn't have to risk everything you've worked for to save my life. I'm useless." "No, you're not. I told you I wanted to help you. So I am. I don't go back on my word Mr. Tomlinson. But I'm heading out. I'll be back here in a few hours.?" She walked to the door and cracked it open. "Get some rest, you're going to need it." As she walked out of the door I called her name. She turned around and starred into my eyes. "Please don't let me die."

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