Paper Flowers.

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I was on the way to pick Camille up from school. I was already running late, because Jackson bit a little boy because he took his hat that I gave him. It was Liam's and I knew that he would have wanted Jackson to have it. So I had to talk to the daycare supervisor and the little boys parents. That took a lot longer than I had expected, so I had to call the school and let them know that I would be a few minutes late. That few minutes turned into an hour and I was panicking and rushing trying to get there. I finally get there and get Jack out of his car seat and we run towards the door, which was locked. I dialed the number to the school quickly and kneel down to try to soothe a now screaming Jackson. They finally answered and moments later I seen my gap tooth beauty walking towards the door. 

I buckled them both into the car and drove off. I checked the rear view mirror and noticed the same white Toyota Corolla behind me that was following me when I left my house. Something seemed off. I sped up and took the next right. Surely they wouldn't be taking a right, but surprisingly they took the right. I picked up my phone and dialed Niall. "Ello?" "Niall, I have had the same white car behind me since I left to get the kids. I wouldn't care, but I have Camille and Jackson in the car. If anything happens to them Niall" He cut me off. "Nothing will happen to them. Keep your eyes on the road and drive normal. Get here as fast as you can safely. I love you Styles." "Yeah, love you." I ended the call and laid the phone in the passenger seat. 

I looked in the rear view mirror again, and noticed the car speeding up. I hit the gas and sped up a little more. The car was gaining on me quicker than I could accelerate. The car slammed into my bumper, and the kids started screaming and crying I turned around quickly to comfort them, then turned back to the road. The car crashed into my bumper again, and the kids turned hysterical. I was so frightened for their lives. I sped up a little more. The car sped up and pulled up beside me. The windows were too tinted to see inside, not like I needed too. I knew who was driving that car. I raced him before. I turned to the kids. "I want you guys to close your eyes and hold on, okay?" They obeyed, still crying. I turned back around and looked at the car that was now beside me. I flipped the bird as I pressed the gas pedal to the floor. My engine roared and sputtered. This car wasn't meant to the kind of driving I was about to have to do. 

I looked at the speedometer, it read one hundred and fifteen MPH. The faster I went, the faster he caught up. He was toying with me. Playing a little game. This was fun for him, he got off on this kind of shit. I readied my foot on the break preparing for the curve that lay just ahead. I hit the break and drifted along the curve. Almost halfway through, he caught up and rammed into the driver side of my car. The windows shattered and Jackson let out a blood curdling scream. It chilled me to the bone. I stopped the car and climbed into the backseat. I unbuckled Jackson and checked him. He now had blood coming from the exposed parts of his body, the shattered glass had cut him up a little bit. I held him tight, and wrapped my free arm around Camille who had a few cuts on her legs. They were both shaking and terrified. 

The scar on my forehead was now reopened from the impact of my head on the steering wheel. I had to get them to the hospital. I wiped the glass out of Jackson's seat and buckled him back in. He should have left my kids out of it. I climbed back to the front seat and tried to start my engine. It sputtered then cut back off. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK." I yelled as I beat the steering wheel with my hands. "Mommy, bad word." Jackson said quietly. "I know buddy. Mommy is sorry, No more bad words. Scouts honor." I said back to him, looking at him in the rear view mirror. 

I tried once more to crank my car, it hesitated for only a second then roared to life. I put it in drive and took off. The car was still following behind me, but I think he had something else planned. He sped up once more and hit me in the bumper again. I put my knee on the wheel and quickly took off my jacket and my shirt. I handed Jackson my jacket and Camille my shirt. "Puts these over your head and don't take it off until I tell you to, do you understand me?" "Yes mommy" They answered in unison. 

He rammed us again, and the impact shattered the back windshield. The jacket and the shirt shielded them from anymore damage. I floored it again, dodging cars and red lights. I finally lost him, five minutes before I pulled into the hospital. I quickly got the kids from the mangled car and carried them both into the hospital, a kid on each hip. The nurse immediately took us all back and put us in the room. They kept trying to clean my wounds first, and take care of me but I told them to take care of the kids. The finally just decided to get three nurses in the room. They checked us all out and bandaged us up and sent us home. 

Before we left, I used their phone to call Niall. 

"Ello?" He said kind of confused. 

"He fucked with my kids. He hurt my kids Niall. He put them in danger."

"What happened Styles? Are you guys okay?" 

"Just come pick us up. We are at the hospital on Fifth Avenue."

The line went dead and I put the phone back on the hook, before grabbing the kids, placing them on my hip, and walking outside to wait for Niall. He should have never threatened the lives of my children. Now it was my turn to play.  

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