
92 2 0

Louis POV.

"Louis, you have a challenger. You can decline, and stay at the top of the board, or you can accept and risk your number one spot." I silently debated the decision. "Of course I'm going to accept Thomas. I live for the race, why would you even give me an alternative. All in boys, let's race." I high fived my crew, and started to suit up. I walked over to the collector and handed him the three grand admission fee. I looked for another racer, but I didn't see anyone. Maybe they backed out. Wouldn't be the first time.

I walked back to my car, and popped my hood to make sure everything was as it should be. "Racer number two has entered the race. Drivers, please take your places." The announcer shouted. "Damn, I guess he did show." I said over my shoulder to Thomas. "Too bad, he is a she." Thomas replied, his eyes never leaving the collector." I followed his gaze, and caught a glimpse of curly brownish blonde hair. "This should be interesting." I said to myself.

I sat in my car, and waited for her to pull up beside me. Her navy blue Nissan GT-R roared to life, as she pulled up beside me. I caught myself wondering what she looked like, and if she would be upset when she lost. The red flag went up, and I revved my engine, even though I couldn't hear mine, over hers. The yellow flag went up, and I shifted in my seat. The green flag went up, and all I seen was tail lights.

Even with nos, I couldn't pull in front. My Mustang, was doing 210 and she was way in front of me, she had to at least be hitting 250. I knew at that point, I had to meet this girl. My hands started shaking, and the withdrawal set in hard. I hit the Nos again, and drifted around the last turn. As I hit the straight away, I was an inch behind her. Then it was over. The horn blew, and I was out of three grand, and a car.

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