Game Over.

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The last time that I have seen any sign of Louis was the other week when he almost killed my children. My phone rang in pocket, and I answered it. "I had fun the other day. We should do it again." The sound of his voice, and him making a game out of my children's lives really pushed me over the edge. I wasn't biting my tongue anymore. "Come and get me, bitch." I replied angrily before hanging up. I knew he would take the bait. Little did he know, I was ready for him. I had already sent Karen and the kids to a hotel until this was over. 

Niall was here with me, he wouldn't let me out of his sight. I couldn't blame, I would do the same for him. 

For three days I waited for him to show, he never did. But he kept calling and threatening me. He was a coward, nothing but a coward. On the fourth night, I laid in my bed just waiting. I woke up to sound of wood splitting. Niall ran into the room and sat down. "He is here. Ready?" "I was born ready." I quietly got out of the bed and walked to my closet and calmly grabbed the baseball bat. 

"Come out, come out wherever you are." He was taunting me. Playing his little game with me. I was ready to play back this time. I left Niall sitting on my bed, and walked to the top of the stairs. "What took you so long?" I said tauntingly down the staircase. I casually walked to the bottom of the stairs with the bat gripped tightly in my right hand. "Come on Louis, I am right here." I walk towards the living room, with only a slight sensation of fear. "Sorry love, I am not Louis." A deep raspy voice said from behind me. I stood frozen. He didn't come alone. I didn't prepare for two people. Were there more? "Hello princess." Another voice said from the corner of the dark room. That was three people, and I had no clue what to do. "I brought some friends. I hope you don't mind." There was the familiar voice I had been waiting on. 

I struggled to speak. "I don't mind at all. The more the fucking merrier. The only question is, are these people the so called friends that let you sit in that place for that whole time without even a single call? Are these the people that fed you drugs and liquor? Are these really the people that you trust to help you kill me? Because I promise that one of us will leave this house in a goddamn body bag, but I can also promise it won't be me. So that leads us to our next dilemma, who wants it first?" I felt no fear anymore. Niall was just up the stairs waiting for my signal, with a gun in his pants. I gripped the bat tighter, turned on my heels and swung it to the left. I made contact with something, then a loud thud followed behind. "Oh, you brought a weapon love? How is that fair?" Louis said, still sheltered by the darkness. I reached for the light switch but nothing happened. He cut the power out. Classic. I stumbled backwards and hit a body. I was about to let out a scream but my mouth was quickly covered. 

"Make a fucking noise and I will slit you from ear to ear." Louis whispered in my ear. How did he get behind me. I guess my judgement of his original placement was off.  I felt the stinging cold of the barrel of the same 9 mm pistol that he used to kill my husband pressed against my temple. Everything in me told me that I should fear for my life. But I couldn't. I wasn't scared of him. I seen him, weak and feeble, and fragile. I seen him wither away to nothing, and cry every day. He didn't have it in him to kill me, even thought part of me prayed he did. He let go of my mouth and grabbed a handful of my hair. "You're coming with me, bitch. I told you not to run from me. I told you not to leave me. This is your fault. You did this." I laughed at his threat. "Yeah, because I am the psycho with the gun." He yanked my hair tighter and threw me to the ground, before mounting me. "This seems oddly familiar. Is this the part were you force shitty sex on me, and I pretend to writhe in pain and scream for mercy, when in reality I don't feel anything but you trying not to bust after five seconds?" I felt his body tense up, his hands around my throat followed. 

I laid there struggling to breathe. I knew this was the end. I had tunnel vision and everything was turning white. "If you don't do something, you will die in here tonight" I heard his voice say. "I am ready for it. I am ready to see you. I miss you. Just let me come home to you" I replied to him. "You can't baby. Not yet. It isn't time. I will see you soon enough. I promise I will wait for you." I found the strength to bring my knee up, with enough force to knock him off of me. "NIALL" I screamed still trying to find my breath. I heard him running down the stairs. "Styles, where are you?" "Niall, there are two other people in the house. I hit one with the bat, but I don't know if he is passed out, or if they have hidden. Please be careful." 

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