Chapter Fifty seven

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24th of February 2018
"I-I-I just dont think I can d-d-do it anym-ore. I n-n-n-need Har-ry." Louis says through his cries.

He was currently on the phone to his manager, hoping he doesnt have to do the concerts.

"I'm sorry, Louis, but you have to. Remember, you dont have long left ok? Just try and pull through." Their manager says and Louis just chokes on a sob.

"Ok." He says and hangs up.

He just cries and cries all day and night. He just wants Harry to make it all better.

🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 The poor little baby! Omg I feel so bad for him. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

GONE (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang