Chapter Thirty

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December 24th 2015
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOUIS!!!!!!!!" Everyone yells happily as Louis comes downstairs.

It was Louis 23rd birthday. He smiles slightly as he sees his bandmates and his family.

"Thanks." He says smiling.

They sit down as Louis opens his presents.

"Thanks, guys. I loved them." He says gesturing to his presents.

"No problem, love." Jay, his Mum, says smiling at her only son.

"We know that you loved mine most." Daisy says smiling cheekily.

"No, he loved mine most." Phoebe says.

Louis chuckles and shakes his head.

"I loved them all." He says smiling at his younger twin sisters.

Their always squabbling over silly things. But that's why he loves them. He loves all his sisters.

"Food time." Liam says and everyone rushes into the kitchen.

It had all the classic food they have at parties. Sandwiches, crisps, chocolate, biscuits, fruit, sausage rolls etc.

They ate the food while laughing and chatting. They even had 1D music in the background. Louis smiled when he heard a song with Harry in it.

They all sang 'Happy birthday' and Jay bought the cake over. Louis blew the candles out and cut the cake.

At 5.30pm, Louis family left.

"This was actually a really nice day. Haven't had one of those for ages."

Louis says smiling and flopping onto the sofa.

"Well, we're glad you had a great day." Zayn says sitting down beside him.

The other two nod in agreement.

The rest of the day they watched Harry Styles videos on the TV. It was amazing! Most of them were funny moments, but some were adorable moments. It made him so happy.

Another little birthday chapter. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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