Chapter Twenty one

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December 31st 2014
"Louis, are you sure you're not coming?" Niall asks and Louis nods.

It was 9.35pm, New years eve. Every new year everyone from the village and the nearby town celebrate it down by the lake. It's so much fun. Theres fireworks, food and stalls! At exactly midnight, everyone jumps into the lake! It's great fun. The boys used to go every year. They decided to miss out last year, but this year Niall, Zayn and Liam really wanna go. Louis doesn't though. He said he would only go if Harry was going too, but obviously he's not, so neither is Louis.

"Ok, well, we'll be of then. We'll be back just after midnight." Zayn says grabbing the towels for when they get out of the lake.

Louis nods and the three leave. Louis sighs sadly and lays down on the sofa. He starts to have flashbacks of him and Harry.

The flashbacks will be in Louis pov.

"Lou, come on!" Harry yells happily and grabbing his hand.

"I'm coming, Hazza." I say laughing.

We're going down to the lake, the others not far behind.

"Look at all the fun things to do." He says smiling and looking around.

He giggles as he rushes up to get a hotdog. He buys two.

"Here you go, Lou." Harry says smiling and handing me a hotdog.

I smile and take it.

"Thanks." I say and he nods.

Then, fireworks start going off.

"AHHHH!!!!!!" Harry screams terrified and covering his ears.

Oh yeah, I forgot he's scared of fireworks.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shhhh, it's ok." I say gently and pulling him into a hug.

I cuddle him tightly and gently rub his back, while the fireworks go off. He had his ears covered and his face hidden in the crook of my neck.

Once they were over, he pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"THREE..... TWO...... ONE....... JUMP!!!!!!!!!" A man yelled through a microphone.

Everyone ran up to the river and jumped in.

"That was fun." I say as I resurfaced.

I look over to see Harry has just resurfaced too. He started giggling and hugged me in the water, making me laugh.

We get out of the water and Liam hands us our towels. We wrapped our towels around ourselves and headed back to the house with Liam, Niall and Zayn.

Louis smiles at how amazing that day was. He got loads of cuddles from his little Hazza. He starts to think of the day they went on a hike and Harry got tired. It was the cutest thing ever. It was just them two.

"Louuuu, I'm tired." Harry whines and sits on the ground.

"We've only been walking for an hour." I say chuckling.

"I'm tired." He whines and looks down at the ground.

I crouch down in front of him. He looks at me, trying not to smile.

 He looks at me, trying not to smile

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"Come on then." I say smiling and turning round.

"What?" He asks confused.

"Hop on my back." I say and he giggles.

He gets on my back and starts laughing as I continue to walk. I start laughing too. Not sure why. I just was. I guess seeing him happy makes me happy too.

About an hour and half later, we were now heading back home

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About an hour and half later, we were now heading back home. Harry has refused to get off my back, which is fine. He gets tired easily, the poor little baby. He's only 17. Cute little boy.

That was a great day. It makes me smile everytime I think about it. Louis checks the time. 9.50pm. The others wont be back for ages. He suddenly remembers the last Christmas with Harry.

"Merry Christmas, sleepy head." I say smiling and jumping onto his bed.

"Morning, Lou. Merry Christmas." Harry mumbles still half asleep.

"Come on, let's get our presents." I say smiling.

"Noooo, I'm tired. What's the time?" He asks.

"6.15am." I mumble and he groans.

"Why dont we snuggle for like an hour?" He asks and I smile even more.

"I could never ever say no to that." I say and snuggle under the covers.

Harry and me cuddle up together and go back to sleep for another hour or so.

Oh, fun times. He begs for Harry to come back. Oh well, he might as well go to bed. He gets into bed and hugs Harry's teddy bear, waiting to fall asleep.

I liked writing the flashback parts! Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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