Chapter Ten

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January 1st 2014
The boys woke up and said Happy new year to one another. They decided to have a nice breakfast as an incomplete family. They had sausages, eggs, bacon and toast. They begin to eat in silence, once again. That's how they eat their meals, in silence.

After breakfast, Louis decides to load the dishwasher, while the others are on their phones in the living room. Once he finished that, he called the police.

"Hi, its Louis Tomlinson again." Louis says down the phone.

The police know him, Anne and Gemma are always calling for Harry, so they always have an answer prepared, which is usually this.

"Sorry, Louis, still no trace of Harry."

Louis sighs sadly.

"Ok, thanks anyway." He says.

"We'll keep looking." The police lady says and Louis nods, even though she can't see him.

"Ok, bye." He says and hangs up.

"Still no luck?" Liam asks and Louis shakes his head, sitting down beside Liam and Zayn.

"Should we go out and look for him again?" Niall asks.

"I think we should." Louis says getting up, the others doing the same.

"Ok, you two look West and North side, while me and Liam look East and South side." Louis says and everyone nods.

Niall and Zayn climb into one of the three cars in their driveway, while Louis and Liam get into another one.

The boys set off in their opposite directions.

"I hope we can find him." Louis say worriedly.

"We never find him, Louis." Liam says keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well, maybe today will be the day." Louis says crossing his arms.

"Maybe." Liam says shrugging.

Liam already knows that they won't find him, but he wants to keep Louis somewhat happy.

Of course, 2 hours later, the four boys all arrived back home with no Harry. What's new? Poor Louis always gets his hopes up, but are then shattered.

I have nothing to say lol. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

GONE (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora