Chapter Nineteen

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December 24th 2014
Louis 22nd birthday...... wow. 2 birthdays of Louis are spent without the love of his life. It's sad to think about, we know. When will he return? He's still so young. He's gonna be 20 in February, but still. He's still Louis' baby. He's probably still Anne's baby too, lets be honest lol. It's a dangerous world for someone as fragile and precious as him.

Louis sighs sadly as the cake is bought out. Louis family and his bandmates all sang happy birthday to him. He blew his candles out and everyone cheered.

Jay took the cake and cut it, handing a slice to everyone. They all sat at the dining table together and ate their cake and the other party food around.

Louis didnt touch his cake or the party food. He wasnt in the mood for it. He definitely doesnt eat as much as he used to. He goes with three sometimes even two meals a day and that's it. Its quite worrying to be honest.

Anyways, as soon as everyone left at 5.30pm, Louis headed upstairs and stole Harry's teddy bear from Liam's room again. He knew he wouldnt mind. He lays on his bed and looks at all the pictures on his wall. He then sees one that makes his heart melt.

 He then sees one that makes his heart melt

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He remembers this day. They were on holiday in Australia, one of Harry's favourite places. It was really early in the morning on the third day being there. Their sleeping patterns were mixed up and Harry had fallen asleep at like 3.50am.

They had only woken up at 2.15am, but the poor little boy was just so tired. He looked so cute, so Louis had to take a photo. He put it on his bedroom wall, because it was just so damn cute!

He cuddles Harry's teddy bear and slowly falls asleep.

Harry hugging that rabbit I'd just too cute! I wish I was the rabbit lol. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

GONE (Larry Stylinson) (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora