Chapter Four

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April 13th 2013
Louis and the others woke up at 8.30am. They need to be ready by 10.00am. They starting their England tour. Today is Brighton.

Their so nervous, because there's no Harry. All the boys have been through who's singing Harry's part on what song. Louis didnt bother to shower, he just sprayed a load of cologne and deodorant on. He brushed his hair and changed into a t-shirt and black jeans, which were originally Harry's. They're a bit baggy down at the ankles, but oh well.

He grabs his phone and phone charger and stuffs them in his backpack. He then grabs a bottle of water, some crisps and an apple and puts them in his backpack too. He stuffs his hairbrush, cologne and deodorant in his suitcase.

He heads downstairs to see that the boys have already made breakfast. Toast, eggs, bacon and sausages. Yummy. This was Harry's favourite meal. Louis sits down to eat, thinking about Harry eating it too, a big smile on his face. Louis sighs sadly and begins to eat.

Once he was done, he headed upstairs to brush his teeth and relax for a bit.

At 9.50am, he bought his suitcase and backpack downstairs. He left it by the front door with the others belongings. He puts his shoes on and sat down in the living room with the others. It was a three hour drive to Brighton. Louis will spend most of it in his own world, thinking about Harry.

At exactly 10.00am, a horn honked outside, indicating that their tour van had arrived. They grabbed their stuff and headed outside, Louis locking the house up.

They put their suitcases in the boot and kept their backpacks with them. It was their manager and driver up at the front, Zayn and Liam in the middle and Louis and Niall in the very back. It would normally be Louis, Niall and Harry at the very back.

Louis stares out the window, thinking about where Harry has actually gone. He couldn't of just vanished. He wouldn't leave without telling anyone. He doesnt have the heart to do that.

Before Louis knew it, they arrived at the arena in Brighton.

They all got out of the van. They left their suitcases in the boot, but took their backpacks with them, just in case. They all headed inside and started with some lunch, since it was like 1.00pm. The people there had bought some pizza from Dominos. The boys ate it and then headed on stage to do sound check. Success! They then did a run through. They found that very hard, but it was still a success.

At 3.30pm, they had a little break. They went on their phones and talked to everyone backstage. Louis kept to himself though. Everyone understood why, so they didn't bother him or anything. They know it's been much harder for him.

The rest of the day was another sound check and run through, then Chinese for dinner.

At 8.00pm, they were all ready to go on. They had hair and makeup all done. They headed on stage, not looking as happy as always, but the fans understood why.

They started with 'Over again.' This was the song Louis was covering Harry's part. But, Louis and Harry sing the same part, so this hits different, because he'll never he able to sing it with Harry again.

They started singing, but when Harry and Louis' part came up, Louis started crying. He managed to sing through his tears.

 He managed to sing through his tears

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It was a heartbreaking sight for everyone

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It was a heartbreaking sight for everyone. The fans were really worried for Louis. They knew it has been really hard for him. I mean, he has just lost the best person he could ever ask for. Yeah, the others are amazing, but Harry has a special place in Louis' heart.

Once he finished singing, he ran off backstage to clean himself up a bit. He arrived back on stage for the next song. 'Live while we're young.' Niall is singing Harry's part in this song.

Niall didnt cry, but he sounded really upset singing Harry's part. I mean, who wouldn't?

Once the concert was over, the boys all headed backstage and cried. It was so hard and they have even more concerts to get through. This is gonna be way to hard.

That picture makes me cry all the time! Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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