Chapter Thirteen

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March 11th 2014
The hardest day of the year has finally approached. A whole year without Harry. Louis spent the whole day crying and sobbing his heart out. The other boys spent the whole day trying to cheer Louis up by showing him pictures of Harry, funny videos of him, him singing on stage and even giving him Harry's favourite teddy bear that Liam has. It didnt make Louis feel any better though.

In the end, he just headed upstairs and laid down on his bed and cried. He hugged Harry's bear tightly and cried. It still smelled like him.

By 3.20pm, Louis had unintentionally cried himself to sleep. The poor boy is just so heartbroken. If he cried when Harry was here, he'd make him feel better and vice versa. They were always there for one another no matter what.

At 6.35pm, he was woken up by someone shaking him. It was Zayn.

"Dinners ready." Zayn says smiling slightly.

Louis got up and headed to the bathroom quickly. He had a wee and looked in the mirror. He looked terrible! His eyes were red and puffy, he had tear stains on his cheeks and his hair was a mess. He brushed his hair and cleared his face, before heading downstairs for dinner.

Today has just been way to hard for Louis.

A whole year without Harry..... and 10 years of one direction! Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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