Chapter 8

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With a startled hiss, Whitefur awoke in the middle of a cool night, back in camp at the medicine cat's den. He saw the medicine cats, both asleep on one end of the den, and on the other, some injured cats from the previous battle, including Harefur, the deputy.

Even Jaykit, the kit he'd saved before, still stably rested in a corner.

Oh no! I forgot! What about Mistpaw?! Where is she?! As he tried to stand, his aching joints stopped him, causing him to lay down again.

What if she's dead and it's my fault? I've let you down... he then looked down, seeing a small gray and white figure sleeping on the edge of his nest.

A wave of relief washed over him.

"...I see you're awake," one of the clan cats said silently.

"What- don't startle me like that, Cedarheart!"

"My apologies. I should let you know, though, that apprentice of yours never left since that battle."


"You'd been out for a whole day and a half. Us in the den heard her telling you stories and keeping you company since you'd came here. She even replaced your moss whenever you stirred, and groomed all the mats out of your fur the moment she laid eyes on them. You've got a fine young apprentice there, Whitefur. I wish I had one as compassionate as yours..." he mumbled, going back to sleep.

Whitefur could only feel his heart skip a beat in the moment.

She did all this... for me?

He then turned again to the resting apprentice, heaving another sigh as he forcefully turned himself around despite the ache.

No cat has ever treated me so kindly... even though I'd lived for many moons longer than her. And she's the kit of an outsider... but I shouldn't doubt her loyalty in that way. What she's done will cost me moons to repay...

He then curled up around her, relaxing as he fell asleep again.

...and I'd like to start now... this way...


As Mistpaw's eyes opened in tandem with the sun rising, again she found herself with another lonely and likely chilly day. Except... she seemed a lot warmer than usual.

It was then she noticed the white cat's tail around her, him curled up by her.

Startled, she only scrambled up.

Are one of the clan cats playing pranks on me? Not funny! She then scratched her ear gently before turning away to grab some fresh-kill from outside and heading back.

It was a plump mouse, in a strange position as it laid. Mistpaw could only notice its elongated tail.

"You know... you once told me something about mice. Something about their tails? It was... well, let me see... the longer they are..."

"...the luckier they are if you eat it..." a hoarse voice responded, causing Mistpaw to only freeze.

"Wh-Whitefur?" She whispered. His green eyes only opened and returned her gaze.

"I'm glad you still remembered all I taught you."

"Whitefur... oh, StarClan... I'm so, so sorry..!"

"Why're you apologizing, young one?"

"I... I don't even know, but yet I feel like there's so much to feel bad for..."

"There's nothing... to feel bad for..."

Her fur shook again as she got back to her feet.

"I tried all I could, Whitefur. I didn't want her to attack."

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now