Chapter 5

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Mistpaw slowly padded out, squinting as the light from the setting sun hurt her tired, just opening eyes.

" from the western parts of our territory." Harefur's voice rang across camp.

"Harefur would make quite the leader..." Ivypaw whispered.

"I agree." Mistpaw replied.

"Apprentices and their mentors..." he called again. " will join me and search the northern most sections of our boundaries towards BreezeClan. Brownstar could've taken her hostage. We must prepare for a battle. Now disperse, everyone!

"B-But they seemed like such good friends!" Mistpaw gasped.

As Harefur bounded down, he turned back to the young apprentice again.

"MistClan and BreezeClan have been on friendly terms for moons, that is true. However, that doesn't mean I trust Brownstar to hold that trust. The Gathering is so soon, we can't have two leaders missing from it."

He was right. Regardless of how much Mistpaw doubted that this was the case... she had no choice but to face the facts... maybe MistClan was about to be at war.


As the group searched every area of the border, Harefur only growled to himself.

"This is hopeless!" He groaned. "There's no sign of them. It's the wind. It covers up any cat's scents because of how strong its current is."

"...I think I know what we should do," Mistpaw replied.

The others turned to her.

"How about we split up and search in different areas? We're probably only getting nowhere in this search because we're all going to the same places that Harefur is. When my siblings were kits and I would wander off because I couldn't see... they and Dovepelt would split up and search for me in the camp, until one of them would find me."

"Are you comparing this search to a kit's nursery game?" Applenose growled. "This isn't as simple as that!"

"Applenose," Harefur meowed sternly. "But this apprentice has a point. We are basically tracking Hopestar and Brownstar blindly as of now. We are all following my lead, but I have no doubt that the cats of MistClan are capable of much more themselves. I agree with Mistpaw. We should take this opportunity to search for the two on our own. Everyone, split up. Warriors and apprentices. We will all have to find our way back on our own. However, newer apprentices should have their mentors stay near them. We will all report back to camp before icemoon to share our findings if we have no luck."

The cats bowed in response and all the cats ran off in different directions, while Mistpaw headed down the hill.

"Good thinking, Mistpaw. You are a very clever apprentice." She noticed Whitefur behind her as he spoke.

"I just remembered when I was a kit... and took that from experience."

Whitefur nodded again.

"MistClan and StarClan will honor your intelligence this evening, even if it yields no results."

She then turned to the side.

"What's beyond this tall grass?"

"I'm not sure," Whitefur replied. "I've never gone in fully. However, those grounds are BreezeClan's."

"Do you think I could slip in and find them?"

"Maybe... but it's dangerous regardless. I don't want to lose you out here."

"I understand, Whitefur. But we never know unless we look!"

"You... are correct. Okay. You go in first. This grass is a bit hard for bigger, older cats like me to navigate." He teased.

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now