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A horrible current swept across the nearby river as a thunderstorm had taken to the sky. Facing a single dog now, the aging leader stood once more, bracing herself.

That dog had been the cause of many of MistClan's deaths... I won't let it get away with this. She thought, shaking off her dizzying vision.

As she narrowed her eyes at it and crouched down, her claws now unsheathed, she then noticed its focus now drifting elsewhere- towards a weakened white cat who laid by her.

"Snowpelt... no..." the leader's voice was hoarse.

As her legs twitched limply, covered in blood, her leader could not stand by.

Turning to one side and peering over her shoulder, there stood a large hill that had ended in a gorge.

"You want some?!" She challenged the dog loudly, now bounding in that direction, her heart thudding in her ears.

"Wha- Miststar! No!"

Miststar's eyes only closed as she continued to dash in that direction, and opened suddenly when she approached the end of the hill.

I've fought too long and hard to give up. This can't be the way I go out. Not today.

"Leave MistClan alone," she growled, her claws unsheathing again slowly. "Or so help me, I'll tear you to shreds!"

The dog only continued to pace towards her until its paws had left the ground in a hard spring.

As it leaped in her direction, she dove out of the way, only to be distracted by her deputy now standing at the end of the hill. She then felt a heavy weight clamping at her back leg, tugging her down.

She now scrambled at the edge, trying desperately not to slip.

"Miststar! Don't do this! Take my paw, I have to get you out of here!"

As much as she wanted to, she shook her head.

"I can't do that now, Snowpelt. The dog's grip... it's too... much... for me. And... the clan... needs to be safe. Forgive me."

"What- What're you doing?! Stop!"

Miststar closed her eyes once more, and let go of the edge, now letting her body free fall until she made contact with the water, and the grip on her leg finally loosened and let go.

I have to swim... and get to shore... get back... to my clan... She thought, but her muscles had become tense and would no longer budge.

"It's over now, Miststar. There is nothing that can be done."


"Yes, my love. Nothing's stopping you from making your way back to me."

You mean I'm dying? I can't! I have to return!

"That dog had done damage to your nerves with such an intense bite. Even if you tried, you probably wouldn't make it back on your own. But... look."

As she opened her eyes, she saw a white figure, surrounded by four others, who she could not make out due to the blood now blending in with the water around her.

It can't be...

As the thunder clapped again, Miststar was carried out of the water and dropped back at the shore, where she was safe.

"Snowpelt..." she whispered, now drawing in a large breath.

"It's not just me, Miststar."

A brown tom with five darker spots on his chest, a black and brown she-cat with a white-tipped tail, a flame-colored cat, and a sandy-colored cat with graying patches now stood before her.

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ