Chapter 17

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"StarClan, no... we need to bring him back to camp. Let's go... we need to be gentle with him, Mistfur."

As much as she shook, realizing how sick and frail he truly was, she nodded and lifted him on her back, letting Whitefur take the other side.

Silently, they padded back to the camp. The area which was once jubilant was now surrounded with gasps of concern.

"What's going on?" Hopestar asked, emerging from her den. When she laid eyes on him, she gasped, her look of horror saying it all.

"Whitefur, Mistfur, in here, quick!" Pinepaw called, as Wetnose was only able to utter a gasp herself.

Laying him in a nest, they all sat around him. Several heartbeats later, Hopestar finally brought herself to come in.

"How is he?" She asked.

Wetnose shook her head grimly, and the others lowered their heads.

"He's on his way to meet our ancestors..."

"No, that can't be! We just started our training!"

"Pinepaw... I'm so sorry. But you must know... there are some cats we just can't do anything for. That is the harsh truth of being a medicine cat. But, whoever you can heal, that is more important. The cats who die will want you to fight for the lives of their families, their clanmates, everyone. Because they are selfless even when they are at their weakest." Wetnose replied, already accepting that she would need to be the sole mentor for this young cat.

"Mist...fur..." Spiderfoot's voice was very weak, but he spoke.

"Spiderfoot? I'm here."

He opened his eyes slowly and looked up.

"We're... back at the camp? What about the beautiful stream? And the trees..."

"You're probably hallucinating, just relax-"

"No... let him speak." Hopestar replied.

"It's okay. Just imagine yourself there. You can always visit again, when you're strong. And... with Hopestar, and Whitefur, and Pinepaw and Wetnose too. Even... Mothnose and Icewing... and Springleap, Birchfeather, and Cloudwhisker. We'll all be there. Me, too. Especially when the sun is high, and there's enough sun for everyone." She knew, in her heart, he needed to be calm, as he knew what would happen soon.

Hopestar seemed almost surprised that she knew of her other kits, but did not speak.

"Is that... true?"

"It will be. When you're better. We'll all be right there, right?"

Confused, the others nodded, and Whitefur gave a solemn nod beside her.

"Hopestar... listen to me... I must... say... something."

"You don't have to say anything, Spiderfoot. It's okay." Hopestar spoke clearly, despite trying her best not to wail like a kit.

"No... I must. Listen, Mistfur... we spoke... and she was... right."

"Right about what?"

"I don't regret... this life... with you... not at all... and I love our kits... all of them. And... maybe it's time I... forgave myself... after all these moons..."

"I..." Hopestar murmured, not knowing what to say.

"You need to take care of them, okay?"

At that moment, Mothnose and Icewing walked in with grim expressions on their faces.

"M-My daughters... you've both become... so beautiful. I'm sorry I... wasn't a good father."

"What're you talking about? You were the greatest father ever."

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now