Chapter 10

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A/N: Thank you for the support of this rewrite! If this book gets 50 votes, I will rewrite the first book of the first saga of MistClan's Path, "Into the Clans". Because why not, I suppose. It would be nice to delve into it again. Cheers. -Minori


After the end of the vigil, Harefur was buried outside the campgrounds by the elder warriors, while the younger ones had watched. Afterwards, the group retreated to their nests.

"Maybe after we get some rest, we can discover more about what we suspect. Want to... do it together?" Whitefur asked quietly.

"Yeah, I think we should. Hopestar really needs this, you know?" Mistfur replied, just as quietly.

"Yes, I know how determined my sister is. I see it every day she lives as the clan leader."

The two kept their voices to a whisper as they entered.

"Wow, the warriors' den. Oh, I didn't exactly make my nest yet."

"You can later. How about you take mine?"

"Oh... are you sure?"

"I don't mind at all. I insist. Just for now, it's what I can do for you."

"How about we just... share it?"

"If you insist..."

The two then huddled together.

"I can move over if you need more room..."

"You're fine. Get some rest. We need to figure this out."

"You're right. Have a nice rest, Whitefur."

"You as well, Mistfur."


As Mistfur opened her eyes again, Whitefur had vanished. After frantically searching for him, her worries were then alleviated, seeing him in the clearing with Hopestar and Sandwing.

Right, he's a warrior too. Not just my former mentor... I don't know what I'm getting so worked up about.

She began grooming her paw before the tom had approached her.

"Hey," he beckoned. "You're up. I'm glad. You've been out for a long time."

"I have?!" Mistfur gasped, astonished, before looking up. The sun was already at its peak.

"Oh, mouse dung..."

Whitefur only gave a purr of laughter.

"It's fine," he chuckled. "I know you've had a lot on your mind lately, so... I asked Hopestar to take it easy on you."

"Oh," she sighed. "Thank goodness. I was about to brace for a long, long lecture..."

"So, are you ready?"

"For what?"

"Don't tell me you forgot!"

"Oh!" Mistfur gasped. "Right. We need to talk about what we suspect... about Harefur's death. You're right. We can't let this go without punishment."

"Let's first start with what we already know..." he muttered, before another voice interrupted their thoughts.

"You both seem quite lively," it was Hopestar, with Sandwing close behind.

"Hopestar, we need to tell you something important. It's related to how we think Harefur may have been killed."

"Well, this took a turn. Do go on," she encouraged.

"Yesterday, Mistfur and I went out to search for any evidence of the cats who had committed this act. I went one way, and didn't find much... but I sent her the other way, and... I believe she has something she needs to tell you."

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now