Chapter 1

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Sitting on a tall rock in a foggy clearing, a gold and white she-cat closed her eyes as she felt the mist of the morning coat her fur in a small amount of dew.

Nothing's ever been the same since I'd lost you, Silverleaf... I've tried too hard to reach you... but my luck... it's starting to wear off. It's almost a hopeless mission by now, but... will I ever see you again before death, dear sister?

"Hopestar! Hopestar!" A loud male voice made her ears twitch, and she turned back to see her deputy, a tan tom with brown stripes, bounding towards her.

His piercing yellow eyes met her gaze, and he bowed slowly.

"What is it, Harefur?"

"I thought you would be interested to know that Dovepelt had her kits this morning, two she-kits and a tom."

"Really? Oh, what wonderful news. We've had such few apprentices recently... and it seems this fog is never ending. It's like I've lost touch with StarClan by now." She lamented. "But... I believe paying a visit to these new kits should help me clear my mind." She now purred gently at the thought of the pleasant news, turning away before following her deputy to the nursery.

"Wetnose is only allowing one cat in at a time. So I must stay here. You may go ahead, Hopestar."

"Thank you, Harefur."

She padded in, letting the warm feeling of the grass in the large den envelop her paws, pleasing her every sense. The nostalgic milky scent invigorated her nose, letting her forget the morning's failures for a brief amount of time.

"Hopestar, I thought I might see you." A tired voice came from next to her, and there was Dovepelt, curled around three young kits, who were beginning to nurse.

"Ah, what wonderful kits. Has Redfur seen them yet?"

"No. Harefur had sent him on the dawn patrol, but with a promise he'd see them later. He told me he would like me to name all our kits, though... and I'm not sure yet on all of them."

"Would you like some help?" Hopestar asked enthusiastically.

"That would be lovely."

"Look, a brown kit. He has some interesting ginger marks. Is that the tom?"

"It is," Dovepelt confirmed, giving him a swift lick on the head, making him mewl in discontentment.

"He's already complaining about a bath, and he's not even older than a sunrise!" Hopestar chuckled, looking at him again.

"I'm sure he won't always be so bratty." The new mother then looked down at him again and tipped her head. "You know, the color of his fur reminds me just slightly of the sedges outside our camp. Maybe I should call him Sedgekit."

"You can't be so sure he'd always be respectful!" Another cat's voice piped up.

"Oh, hush, Heatherfur. He just doesn't enjoy baths."

Heatherfur was another queen, though her kits were not due for at least a moon or two.

"Whatever you say," she agreed, going back to sleep.

"Oh, Dovepelt, do not mind her. I was quite hot-tempered myself when I had kits of my own before."

"You might be right."

"Hey, look at this, this one's completely white."

"Remind you of your brother?"

Hopestar turned away and chuckled awkwardly.

"Yeah, in a way... oh! I just thought of a nice name for her."

"Do tell."

"How about Ivykit? She was born under the many ivy trees and plants in camp. Maybe a little reminder."

MistClan's Path SE: Miststar's story (VERSION 2) (a Warriors fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now